Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Unemployed? Maybe You Should Be

Unemployed? Maybe you deserve to be.
With the latest unemployment rates reaching nearly 10 per cent, perhaps it's time to look at the numbers a little differently from the gloom and doom nightmare we hear about in every possible news medium.
At first glance ten per cent may seem alarmingly high, but is it really? Let's consider some overlooked factors that may put this number in perspective.
Most individuals fall into one of four achievement groups.
Like cream rising to the top, at the head of the list are the A, or even A+, individuals.
These are the achievers: those with drive, determination, and will, who succeed in almost any area they choose; top athletes, heads of industry, popular politicians -- we know their names.
Approximately 10 per cent of the population falls into the A category, with 3-5 per cent of the A's achieving A+ status.
A+ individuals are the best of the best.
These are the people who regularly perform at an exceptional level.
As a headhunter, I'm able to easily recognize an A+ person: he or she gives his chosen field his full commitment and focus.
These are people with an "unstoppable" element to their personality -- their everyday attitude is "whatever it takes.
" However, it's not only toward work that they display this level of commitment: A+ people can be found giving back to the community; being deeply involved with home and family; working as hard as they can to lead a fully integrated life in every possible way.
A+ people are learners: they look for mentors, accept advice, and function well socially, often inspiring others and drawing quality individuals to their "team" with their magnetism.
The opposite of an A is an F personality.
F's comprise the bottom five per cent of the workforce tier, with one in 100 being currently incarcerated (53 per cent being repeat offenders).
They are the lawbreakers, the predators, the fringe.
Morality and ethics play little to no part in their decision making process.
Integrity is lacking in this type.
When driven to succeed, F personalities feel a pull toward destruction, rather than production.
F's are also capable of a high degree of intelligence and success: among the most recent famous F personalities is Bernard Madoff, a stunningly successful investment "genius" who in fact, operated as a high level thief for decades.
Occupying the rung above the F's are the D personalities.
We all know the D type.
This is the person who aims low: unemployment, worker's compensation; whatever pays the bills with the least amount of effort.
A D person takes the easy way out, every time.
She or he foregoes opportunity for laziness, and never considers volunteer work or working for free in order to attain self-improvement and increased productivity or challenge.
The D types are capable of getting jobs, but approximately 17 per cent of them generally quit, being unable to sustain the ongoing effort of punctuality, productivity, and persistence.
D types are also the first to be laid off in times of crisis; in fact, belt-tightening often offers employers the opportunity to unload the deadweight of a D performer -- someone who consistently underperforms in areas of attitude, work ethic, quality of work, and attendance.
Within the D category are those lacking foresight.
If a D personality happens to hold a job, he or she will never lack for complaint.
D players don't fix problems; they merely complain about them.
They may read the handwriting on the wall, but they never act on it.
A D-level personality may work for a D-level company, and neither see nor react to inherent flaws within the system by seeking additional training in order to position themselves for alternative employment.
Then, when layoffs come, D people spend a minimum amount of time searching for work.
They may become experts at gaming, or memorizing the time of their favorite tv shows, but they won't be spending sufficient time looking for a new job.
The top ten per cent of those who face layoffs get off the unemployment list fast; sometimes even before their filing goes through.
A D person often stays there a while.
Where an A personality makes it her goal to succeed, a D personality makes it her goal to fail.
The C personality is solid.
This is the group - approximately 60 per cent of the work force - which keeps the world running.
C people know they need to work, and do so consistently, often regarding themselves as steady job holders rather than career-driven achievers.
C people sometimes hold the same position for years, preferring security over risk, though they may not lack motivation.
The primary characteristic of a C personality is the need to "keep the world running.
" B personalities are very strong.
While sharing many A characteristics, B's lack a certain will or determination to succeed.
Though more ambitious than the C types, B's are sometimes trapped in go-nowhere situations that nevertheless offer desirable perks, which inhibit a B from taking a risk toward growth.
Although 80 per cent stronger than most of the workforce, B's have yet to make the crucial leap into career stardom.
They are highly desirable employees, but they don't quite shine.
However, being on the cusp brings a B that much closer to achieving A status, once a conscious decision to achieve is reached.
Many A types began as B's, then rose as they followed advice, worked harder, made good decisions, and went the extra mile.
Too much negative focus on current unemployment figures distort the realities behind what truly determines the numbers.
A ten per cent unemployment rate equals a 90 per cent employment rate, which is truly high.
And among that ten per cent of unemployed, anyone can move up, at any time! The A, B, and C players are out there, willing to provide support, offer advice, or even job leads to the D and F contingent, if they make the choice to accept help, effort being key.
How is effort demonstrated? Simply: 1)The resolution to improve.
2)Showing you're willing to work hard and following through.
3)Find mentors and helpers: people who have experience and who are willing to guide you in the right direction.
4) Take the extra step.
Do things to improve yourself.
Keep abreast of new developments in your field or in an area in which you're interested.
Take a night class.
Investigate on-line learning opportunities, such as ilearningglobal.
tv, instead of just watching tv.
5)Evaluate yourself honestly.
Are you spending an hour a day looking for work, and the rest of your time on Facebook? If so, you're wasting productive hours when you could be either searching for a new employer or elevating your desirability as an employee.
6) Sometimes the simplest change to make is improving your peer group.
Similar personality types tend to bond together: eagles soaring with eagles, pigeons flocking with pigeons.
Sadly, oftentimes people forego opportunity in order to remain with a familiar peer group, when in fact, what they really want is to rise to the next level.
Of course, everyone needs a day of rest.
But if you honestly view your career as a 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday grind, you're never going to join the top ranks, nor realize your potential as a valuable, productive, fully developed individual.
Even if you do as little as listen to a motivational audio book while commuting to and from work, you're making an effort toward self-improvement.
So, do something.
Ask for a new challenge.
Set a goal for yourself within your current duties, and when you meet it, try to exceed it.
Push yourself, and grow.
There is help available to those who want it.
I suggest that we stop feeling sorry for people who accept their unemployment willingly, and start helping those who work hard to help themselves.
People who help themselves are those who approach entrepreneurs, asking to be taught a new skill, or even just improve old skills, working in new venues in order to freshen contacts in their field.
The truth is that many, if not most small, medium, and start-up companies could use a willing hand.
Instead of viewing unpaid time as a "giveaway," realize that in fact, those who pitch in, who approach a target company with an offer of help, are working not for free, but for credibility, experience, opportunity and PRIDE.
Someone who has shown herself willing to contribute during tough times is likely to be first on the list when a paid opportunity arises.
Simply put, those who help themselves, who show themselves willing to adapt when necessary, will be first to achieve employment.
Even volunteering to help those needier than oneself not only reflects positively on a resume, but also shows a commitment to society that's impossible to overestimate.
(And it feels good, too.
) Finally, I feel it would be harsh to describe the market downturn and its resulting job losses as a positive outcome to a market correction.
However, we know from experience that when the market is thriving, there's more tolerance for the mediocre; more Ds remain employed for longer periods (though they're first to be dropped when there's a purge).
Cs hang on, though some teeter toward the edge, while Ds weigh down both surviving staff and company growth with negativity and pessimism.
Nobody knows exactly when employment numbers will improve.
Some experts suggest that the U.
may have to adapt to a higher percentage of unemployed.
No one can predict exactly what will happen.
So I say, protect yourself.
Become, at the least, a B player.
Someone with great skills, and terrific potential.
Or, even better, aim to be an A or an A+.
If you do, I can almost guarantee that at a minimum, you'll find yourself indispensable.
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