What is IVF?
Ivf means the fertilization in glass it is similar to test tube baby.
In this procedure what we do we take the egg from the ovaries and then the eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory. When the egg fertilized that term is called embryo means fertilized egg and then that one is placed in the women's womb.
Is IVF for me?
When ivf is recommended the best answer for this question when the patient has been diagnosed with unexplained infertility then this is the best option for you.
2 when the patients fallopian tubes are blocked then they will go for the IVF
3. when the patient got unsuccessful results from the other techniques like fertility drugs and other techniques then they will go for the IVF
Now question arises how IVF works?
Ivf techniques can differ from clinic to clinic and it also differ from the circumstances
For women:
It is used when we have to suppress the natural monthly hormone cycle means the first step in IVF treatment is a injection is inserted that will suppress the natural cycle.
This treatment is given continuously for two weeks.
After the first step now the fertility harmones is given to the patient that is called FSH (Follicle stimulating Hormone). the daily injection is given to the patient around for 12 days and then the patients production of eggs increase rapidly and the more the number of fertilized egg means more the no of choice of embryos to use in the treatment.
Step3 is to check the progress throughout the drug treatment the clinic will monitor the progress of each day and record it for reference. This is done by vaginal ultrasound scans and possibly some blood tests.
The patient has given the hormonal injection so that the eggs mature progressively.
Now the next step 4 is to collecting the eggs. The eggs are collecting by the help of ultrasound guidance in this the needle being inserted into the scanning probe into each ovary of the patient. the eggs are collected through needle. the small amount of bleeding may be occur during the procedure
Now the final step of fertilizing the eggs.
What we do the eggs are mixed with the patients partner sperm and then the sperm and egg cultured in the laboratory for approx 16-20 hrs and then the checking is done to see they are proper fertilized or not.
Now the fertilized one are called embryos they are now check in laboratory and then grown in laboratory incubator and the best one among them is chosen and then that one is transfer.
After collection of eggs the medicine is given to the patient so that the lining for the womb for embryo transfer. This is given as pessaries, injection or gel.
Embryo transfer then the next step is embryos transfer if the age of the patient is under 40 then the one or two embryo can be transmitted and if the age of the patient is more than 40 then maximum three can be used.
Now you have doubt in your mind that why the number of embryos is restricted? the simple answer of this question is that the numbers of embryos is restricted because of the risk of multiple births.
Ivf means the fertilization in glass it is similar to test tube baby.
In this procedure what we do we take the egg from the ovaries and then the eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory. When the egg fertilized that term is called embryo means fertilized egg and then that one is placed in the women's womb.
Is IVF for me?
When ivf is recommended the best answer for this question when the patient has been diagnosed with unexplained infertility then this is the best option for you.
2 when the patients fallopian tubes are blocked then they will go for the IVF
3. when the patient got unsuccessful results from the other techniques like fertility drugs and other techniques then they will go for the IVF
Now question arises how IVF works?
Ivf techniques can differ from clinic to clinic and it also differ from the circumstances
For women:
It is used when we have to suppress the natural monthly hormone cycle means the first step in IVF treatment is a injection is inserted that will suppress the natural cycle.
This treatment is given continuously for two weeks.
After the first step now the fertility harmones is given to the patient that is called FSH (Follicle stimulating Hormone). the daily injection is given to the patient around for 12 days and then the patients production of eggs increase rapidly and the more the number of fertilized egg means more the no of choice of embryos to use in the treatment.
Step3 is to check the progress throughout the drug treatment the clinic will monitor the progress of each day and record it for reference. This is done by vaginal ultrasound scans and possibly some blood tests.
The patient has given the hormonal injection so that the eggs mature progressively.
Now the next step 4 is to collecting the eggs. The eggs are collecting by the help of ultrasound guidance in this the needle being inserted into the scanning probe into each ovary of the patient. the eggs are collected through needle. the small amount of bleeding may be occur during the procedure
Now the final step of fertilizing the eggs.
What we do the eggs are mixed with the patients partner sperm and then the sperm and egg cultured in the laboratory for approx 16-20 hrs and then the checking is done to see they are proper fertilized or not.
Now the fertilized one are called embryos they are now check in laboratory and then grown in laboratory incubator and the best one among them is chosen and then that one is transfer.
After collection of eggs the medicine is given to the patient so that the lining for the womb for embryo transfer. This is given as pessaries, injection or gel.
Embryo transfer then the next step is embryos transfer if the age of the patient is under 40 then the one or two embryo can be transmitted and if the age of the patient is more than 40 then maximum three can be used.
Now you have doubt in your mind that why the number of embryos is restricted? the simple answer of this question is that the numbers of embryos is restricted because of the risk of multiple births.