You when you're working constantly, some things will slip your mind, like protection insurance for the very things that you are working to pay for. Things like your car, credit card payments, house payments, your children's education; things that are so important to you that you need to have insurance in place to protect your investments. Such an insurance policy was available - it was called, Ppi Insurance, or, PPI; which was an insurance that protected people from the loss of a job.
PPI was to back you up on payments that had to be continued in the event that you loss your job. However, PPI did not do what it claimed it would, and millions of people loss the very things that they believed PPI would protect them from. Since PPI did not do what it said it would, PPI claims had to be filed in order to make the company accountable for its shortcomings. These PPI claims are necessary in order for people to be able to try and recoup some of the losses that have incurred over the past seven years.
This so-called Ppi Insurance was supposed to protect people who had viable jobs and businesses, from losing all that they had worked for. Supposedly, PPI was the support that many workers needed in case of job loss due to an illness, accident or other liabilities that might have been in jeopardy. The very insurance that was paid for, failed - the very items that were to be protected, were being lost. Since 2003, this insurance has come into question as having little or no merit. In fact, it seems that people have been paying into this system, only to find out that it was not responsible for what it claimed it would be. Now, PPI claims are being filed on behalf of those affected by this scandalous business practice - and being looked into by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Go back and look at all your insurance policies involving PPI, to see if you need to file a PPI claim for yourself.
The FSA has decided that because the PPI misrepresented itself to the public that it should be responsible for all PPI claims filed because of this. You see, it's not enough to tell the public that its money is save, you now have to go about the business of proving it. That's what the FSA will figure out. Of course, once you have a PPI claim on file, you need to check with the filing agent to make sure that you are up to date on your claim information. Unfortunately, some people may not recover from the wrongs that were done to them by PPI, but at least now light shines on what should have been above-board insurance protection. Hopefully, in the future, this kind of misleading of the general public will be protected by lawmakers.
PPI was to back you up on payments that had to be continued in the event that you loss your job. However, PPI did not do what it claimed it would, and millions of people loss the very things that they believed PPI would protect them from. Since PPI did not do what it said it would, PPI claims had to be filed in order to make the company accountable for its shortcomings. These PPI claims are necessary in order for people to be able to try and recoup some of the losses that have incurred over the past seven years.
This so-called Ppi Insurance was supposed to protect people who had viable jobs and businesses, from losing all that they had worked for. Supposedly, PPI was the support that many workers needed in case of job loss due to an illness, accident or other liabilities that might have been in jeopardy. The very insurance that was paid for, failed - the very items that were to be protected, were being lost. Since 2003, this insurance has come into question as having little or no merit. In fact, it seems that people have been paying into this system, only to find out that it was not responsible for what it claimed it would be. Now, PPI claims are being filed on behalf of those affected by this scandalous business practice - and being looked into by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Go back and look at all your insurance policies involving PPI, to see if you need to file a PPI claim for yourself.
The FSA has decided that because the PPI misrepresented itself to the public that it should be responsible for all PPI claims filed because of this. You see, it's not enough to tell the public that its money is save, you now have to go about the business of proving it. That's what the FSA will figure out. Of course, once you have a PPI claim on file, you need to check with the filing agent to make sure that you are up to date on your claim information. Unfortunately, some people may not recover from the wrongs that were done to them by PPI, but at least now light shines on what should have been above-board insurance protection. Hopefully, in the future, this kind of misleading of the general public will be protected by lawmakers.