Do your legs and bum have more dimples than an orange peel? Have you ever wondered if anything could get rid of this condition short of plastic surgery? If you can relate, then you should read the rest of this article because I'm about to tell you how to eat to get rid of cellulite.
It's as easy as eating, but you have to know what to stock in your kitchen! Although I'm going to tell you how to eat to get rid of cellulite, it's important to know why this eating style works.
Put very simply, you can force your body to dip into the stores of fat on your thighs and buttocks and burn it for energy by knowing what to put in your mouth each time you sit down for a meal.
Here's what you should reach for at every meal: 1.
Eat Lean Protein Choose protein like egg whites, skinless chicken breast, 90/10 ground beef or fish.
Lean protein is easier on your body's digestive system and tends to get used rather than stored.
Other types of meat are higher in fat content and/or overly processed.
Lunch meats and sausages fall in this no-no category.
Eliminate ALL Refined Carbohydrates Foods such as white bread, mashed potatoes, French fries and white rice are off limits.
Trade refined carbs for things like Ezekiel bread, baked sweet potatoes, steel cut oats and beans.
The fiber helps slow down digestion time and lowers insulin response which discourages fat storage.
Eat Vegetables At Every Meal Yep, you should even be eating vegetables at breakfast.
By vegetables, I mean anything except potatoes, corn and beans since they have enough sugar and starch to be considered a carbohydrate rather than a non-starchy veggie.
Get wild at breakfast by making vegetable stuffed omelets.
Eating vegetables at every meal with fill you up and not out.
Fresh Fruit - The Only Sweets You Should Be Eating There's no room for candy, cookies, cake and other sweets if you're trying to get rid of cellulite.
If you must have something sweet, reach for a piece of fresh fruit.
The fiber, vitamins and antioxidants will help slim you but candy and the like will only cause fat storage.
It's as easy as eating, but you have to know what to stock in your kitchen! Although I'm going to tell you how to eat to get rid of cellulite, it's important to know why this eating style works.
Put very simply, you can force your body to dip into the stores of fat on your thighs and buttocks and burn it for energy by knowing what to put in your mouth each time you sit down for a meal.
Here's what you should reach for at every meal: 1.
Eat Lean Protein Choose protein like egg whites, skinless chicken breast, 90/10 ground beef or fish.
Lean protein is easier on your body's digestive system and tends to get used rather than stored.
Other types of meat are higher in fat content and/or overly processed.
Lunch meats and sausages fall in this no-no category.
Eliminate ALL Refined Carbohydrates Foods such as white bread, mashed potatoes, French fries and white rice are off limits.
Trade refined carbs for things like Ezekiel bread, baked sweet potatoes, steel cut oats and beans.
The fiber helps slow down digestion time and lowers insulin response which discourages fat storage.
Eat Vegetables At Every Meal Yep, you should even be eating vegetables at breakfast.
By vegetables, I mean anything except potatoes, corn and beans since they have enough sugar and starch to be considered a carbohydrate rather than a non-starchy veggie.
Get wild at breakfast by making vegetable stuffed omelets.
Eating vegetables at every meal with fill you up and not out.
Fresh Fruit - The Only Sweets You Should Be Eating There's no room for candy, cookies, cake and other sweets if you're trying to get rid of cellulite.
If you must have something sweet, reach for a piece of fresh fruit.
The fiber, vitamins and antioxidants will help slim you but candy and the like will only cause fat storage.