Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Causes and Symptoms of the Mysterious Disease Multiple Sclerosis

Although Multiple Sclerosis is known to cause breakdowns in communication between the brain, spine, and rest of the body, exactly why and how this occurs still remains a mystery to modern medicine. It seems the more we learn about this progressive disease, the more there is to discover. Find out what main causes and symptoms are linked with Multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis affects the central nervous system (the body's brain and spinal cord). For unknown reasons the body's own immune system becomes hyperactive. Instead of only fighting germs, the immune system starts to attack the body's own nerve cells. This bizarre process when a person's immune system inexplicably attacks a part of the body that it is supposed to protect is known as €autoimmunity.€ As the nerve cells are attacked by the immune system, inflammation occurs in the brain and spinal cord. Portions of affected nerve cells begin to lose their protective lining, called myelin, that normally acts as a form of electric insulation. Much like electric wires that are missing their outer rubber covering, the nerve cells without their myelin insulation begin to lose their ability to conduct signals. In time, the brain and spinal cord lose the means to effectively communicate with the outer nerves, muscles, and organs in the rest of the body. As more and more nerves have their myelin stripped away, the person with MS experiences progressive symptoms.

Because MS is more common in some locations than others, geographical and environmental factors are believed to contribute to this disease. Some researchers theorize that Multiple Sclerosis is linked to a virus, while others believe the disorder is related to seasonal fluctuations in daylight which, in turn, affect body chemistry.

The signs and symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis can include a range of physical and psychological manifestations, depending on what areas of the brain and spine have suffered damage.

Visual changes and disturbances are caused by injury to the optic nerve. This can result in double vision, patches of blurred vision, partial loss of vision, and eye pain.

When the nerves to the joints and muscles are affected, the following problems can occur: loss of balance, feelings of numbness and unusual sensations, difficulty walking, tremors in the arms and legs, weakness of the limbs, painful muscle spasms, and difficulty performing fine motor skills.

Individuals suffering from Multiple Sclerosis can experience cognitive impairment such as difficulty concentrating, short-term memory deficits, and slower speed of information processing. Those who struggle daily with this disease can understandably experience bouts of frustration and depression. Other manifestations of MS are heat intolerance, digestive trouble, bowel and bladder symptoms, and abnormal reflexes.

Even with all these hardships, there are many thousands of success stories by individuals with Multiple Sclerosis who have overcome all odds to lead long, successful lives. Still, one would think that in the 140 plus years since its discovery, more would be known about this puzzling disease of the nerves and immune system.

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