Health & Medical Disability

Examination For a Stroke - Blood Tests Used to Diagnose a Stroke

There are numerous tests that are performed when a patient is suspected of having a stroke including a full physical examination, image testing, and blood tests.
While a blood test can not determine whether or not a patient has had a stroke, these tests are typically ordered due to the fact that they can determine other medical conditions as well as certain risk factors involved that may have contributed to the stroke.
Blood tests are commonly ordered as one of the first forms of testing to be done in evaluating the condition of the patient during an emergency or routine examination for a stroke.
Initial Blood Tests Performed When a patient is first seen and evaluated for a stroke, a series of routine blood tests will be ordered including a "CBC" or "complete blood count".
This test is utilized to determine the white and red blood cell count as well as the number of blood platelets.
A complete blood count can determine conditions such as anemia which is an abnormally low level of blood or the presence of an infection which is identified by a high number of white blood cells.
Coagulation tests are used to determine how quickly the blood is clotting or whether or not the blood is too thin which can occur when taking blood thinner medications such as "Coumadin".
A Coagulation test can also be used to determine excessive clotting of the blood which is a high risk factor for blood clots and stroke, however, this is typically very difficult to measure.
Blood Chemistry and Blood Lipid Tests Blood chemistry tests are done to determine the level of chemicals that are typically found in the blood.
In evaluating a patient for a stroke, the blood glucose or sugar level is paid particular attention to as a high or low blood sugar level can be mistaken for a stroke as it has the potential to cause many of the symptoms that are associated with a stroke.
A blood chemistry test can also determine the electrolyte levels including potassium, sodium, and calcium, as well as check the level of functioning of certain vital organs including the kidneys and liver.
Blood lipid tests measure the level of cholesterol in an individual's blood stream.
A high level of cholesterol is a risk factor for stroke as well as heart disease.
Specific Blood testing that may done in the Evaluation of a Stroke Specific blood tests are sometimes ordered in an attempt to determine what may have caused a stroke or in other specific situations.
These tests include a blood culture, antinuclear antibodies, cardiac enzymes, coagulation factors, hemoglobin electrophoresis, homocysteine, toxicology screen, coagulation, and syphilis serology testing.
When any of these tests show abnormalities, this can be an indication of the possible cause for a stroke.
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