Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Don"t Be Afraid When You Are Asked to Give a Speech

Have you ever noticed how people who are not - at all - afraid to stand up in public and give a speech, almost automatically assume that you won't be afraid either to stand up and give a speech in public? These are the people who will casually - almost too casually - call you, or turn to you in conversation and say 'Can I rely on you to say a few appropriate words at the end, Robert?' And they look at you - almost dumbfounded - when you tell them that there is 'no way' you are going to stand up and say a few words and make an absolute fool of yourself in public in front of an audience.
Because making a speech, or as they rather quaintly describe it: "Saying a few appropriate words" is something that you just cannot do, ever! Never! The problem often is that the more you protest, and squirm and squiggle in your efforts to get out of making a speech, the more you may feel that you are letting your friends or work colleagues down.
Because, let's face it, there ARE times when no matter how good or bad a public speaker you are the most appropriate person to 'say a few words' is YOU! Don't be afraid! Stop worrying! Help is to hand! In fact, help is at your fingertips nowadays in the form of online speech websites that can deliver you with a professionally written speech that you can download and put in your back pocket or purse in seconds.
And yes! Of course these online speech websites exist to make money.
But so does your local Pizza delivery outlet, or your local Thai food takeaway or fast-food home delivery service.
The difference is that your local food takeaway service simply feeds you, while a good online speech website can - metaphorically speaking as least - save your life, BIG TIME! Seriously, though, an online speech downloaded in seconds from an established online speech website like 'need-a-speech' or some such, can save you a huge amount of worry and sleepless hours for less - and sometimes far less - than the price of a takeaway.
Most established online speech websites give you a good range of speech subject to select from.
And certainly, any speech website which features the 'Speechwriters' Guild' logo is one for you to seek out and visit.
Because not only does the 'Speechwriters' Guild' Logo signify that all the speeches on offer in the web site are written by a professional speechwriter but - better still - the speeches usually come to you with a wealth of important free extras such as:
  • advice notes about how you can give the speech,
  • tips on how to control your nerves if you are feeling nervous about giving your speech,
  • suggestion about what you should do with your hands while you are standing up talking and so much more.
One of the great things about downloading and viewing a professionally written speech from an authentic Speechwriters' Guild speech website like 'need-a-speech' is that you can see immediately what needs to be covered in your speech.
And you can either use the entire speech script that you download, without changing a single word or - best of all - you can add in your own little bits (names, or personal memories, or locations) and make the speech absolutely your own speech.
So next time somebody asks you to make a speech or to 'say a few words' in public, don't be afraid.
Be practical instead.
Seek out help from the professionals and download a speech online, preferably from a web site that features the Speechwriters Guild logo or a similar identification of quality.
Don't be afraid! Be a success!
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