When you have broken up with the one you care about, then you will be having difficulty concentrating on anything other than how to get him back. You really want to make him come back, so you are going to have to change some things. Following these three easy steps is how to get him back.
1 Look honestly at what caused the breakup. Did you have a part to play in his leaving? Is this something that can be reversed? Can you do anything to put things right, or is it too late for making amends? If you were partly to blame and you can do anything to make things right again, then do it now. Do what you should have done before, or put right something you shouldn't have done. Say you're sorry and try to put things right again. This may not get him back, but it is a first step to pave the way to making him come back. Supposing it can't be put right again, then make sure that he knows that you are truly sorry for what you did or didn't do and that if you could put things right then you would do your utmost to do it.
2 After you've come to terms with your part in the breakup, the next step is to make him want to come back. This crucial step is often overlooked. If he was in an angry state when the breakup occurred, then you have to show him that you can soothe him and make him feel good again. Patience and forgiveness will be important at this stage. If you see him and talk to him, you need to be sweet and gentle. Even if you are seething inside, you must show him your pleasant side. Why would he want to come back only to be hassled? You need to make him remember what he loved about you. He needs to remember happier times with you. Only when he knows that you are trully sorry for what caused the breakup, and only when he sees you being carefree and happy, will there be a good chance of him wanting to come back.
3 Watch him carefully. Study him if you get the chance to talk to him. Listen to him carefully, and resist the urge to interrupt. Now is not the best time to overwhelm him with your own views. Being pushy is not how to get him back. You are observing him to see if you are making any headway. Is his anger and his attitude softening towards you? Is he starting to talk to you in a civil manner? Does he seem to want to see more of you? Is he even starting to seek you out? Is he ignoring you less and starting to pay more attention to you? Maybe your efforts to get him back are starting to pay off.
Your being kind around him is making him want to be around you. It is reminding him of what attracted him to you in the beginning. But watch out for any warning signs. If he is suddenly cooling towards you, acting distant or starting to get angry, it could be a signal that you're pushing him away. This would be an indication that you need to take a step back, and let him work things out in his mind. This will give you a better chance to make him come back.
1 Look honestly at what caused the breakup. Did you have a part to play in his leaving? Is this something that can be reversed? Can you do anything to put things right, or is it too late for making amends? If you were partly to blame and you can do anything to make things right again, then do it now. Do what you should have done before, or put right something you shouldn't have done. Say you're sorry and try to put things right again. This may not get him back, but it is a first step to pave the way to making him come back. Supposing it can't be put right again, then make sure that he knows that you are truly sorry for what you did or didn't do and that if you could put things right then you would do your utmost to do it.
2 After you've come to terms with your part in the breakup, the next step is to make him want to come back. This crucial step is often overlooked. If he was in an angry state when the breakup occurred, then you have to show him that you can soothe him and make him feel good again. Patience and forgiveness will be important at this stage. If you see him and talk to him, you need to be sweet and gentle. Even if you are seething inside, you must show him your pleasant side. Why would he want to come back only to be hassled? You need to make him remember what he loved about you. He needs to remember happier times with you. Only when he knows that you are trully sorry for what caused the breakup, and only when he sees you being carefree and happy, will there be a good chance of him wanting to come back.
3 Watch him carefully. Study him if you get the chance to talk to him. Listen to him carefully, and resist the urge to interrupt. Now is not the best time to overwhelm him with your own views. Being pushy is not how to get him back. You are observing him to see if you are making any headway. Is his anger and his attitude softening towards you? Is he starting to talk to you in a civil manner? Does he seem to want to see more of you? Is he even starting to seek you out? Is he ignoring you less and starting to pay more attention to you? Maybe your efforts to get him back are starting to pay off.
Your being kind around him is making him want to be around you. It is reminding him of what attracted him to you in the beginning. But watch out for any warning signs. If he is suddenly cooling towards you, acting distant or starting to get angry, it could be a signal that you're pushing him away. This would be an indication that you need to take a step back, and let him work things out in his mind. This will give you a better chance to make him come back.