- 1). Select the black and white image of your choice and open it in the photo editing software you have chosen. For example, two popular choices are Gimp and Photoshop by Adobe. Both of these software programs are easy to use for this purpose.
- 2). Create a duplicate layer of the black and white image. Name the duplicate layer "background" so you know which layer to work on without getting confused.
- 3). Select the background layer and then select the magic wand tool.
- 4). Click the the part of the black and white image that you want to be colored. For example, clicking the eyes of a person in the photograph with the magic wand tool outlines them for you.
- 5). Select the image adjusting option, making sure to leave the magic wand tool activated. Choose a color you want to add to the selection. This instantly makes the highlighted area the color you have chosen. You can adjust the depth of the color in the same menu.
- 6). Select the top layer of the black and white image and highlight the same area that you colored in the background image using the magic wand tool. Hit the delete button on your keyboard. This removes the black and white section, revealing the colored section.