- 1). Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of hot water. Add 1 cup ammonia and 1/2 cup of a powdered dish soap that does not contain bleach. Mix the contents thoroughly.
- 2). Dip a sponge mop into the bucket. Apply a large amount of the mixture to a small area of the kitchen floor with the sponge mop.
- 3). Scrub the saturated kitchen floor with the sponge mop in a back-and-forth motion. Scrub the area vigorously several times.
- 4). Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you have gone over the entire kitchen floor.
- 5). Rinse the sponge mop and bucket with clean water thoroughly. Fill the bucket with clean water.
- 6). Dip the sponge into the clean water and scrub the kitchen floor. This will rinse the wax-removal solution from the floor.
- 7). Dry the floor with several towels.