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Cesar Milan Suicide Attempt: Dog Whisperer Debate

Dog Whisperer Cesar Milan confesses that he was at "the lowest level I had ever been emotionally and psychologically" when he attempted suicide.

The beloved TV dog trainer has always said that it was more about training their humans, not the dogs, when there was a behavior problem in a human/canine household. His understanding and sympathy was for both members of the relationship.

In "Cesar Millan: The Real Story," a documentary on National Geographic Wild, Mexico-born Cesar explains that he first lost his top dog, Daddy, to cancer after 16 years as a team. A month later, Millan's wife told him she wanted a divorce after 16 years of marriage.

"I felt defeated, a big sense of guilt and failure. I was at the lowest level I had ever been emotionally and psychologically," he admitted. In anguish, he took a drug overdose in an attempted suicide, "winding up unconscious and hospitalized."

In explaining his relationship with his lost dog, Cesar said, "Daddy was my Tibet, my Himalaya, my Gouda, my Buddha, my source of calmness."

A new romantic love in his life also helped, one whom Millan calls "the One." Jahira Dar lives with Milan and his youngest son in Los Angeles, and Millan said he planned to propose soon.

"It's a surprise," he joked. "I am a traditional guy, so I like to do the whole parent thing. I know they are going to say yes, but I like the whole Cinderella story."

He has now completely rebuilt his life, starring in a new TV series "Leader of the Pack."

The Associated Press has reported that "The new series, which was filmed in Spain, aims to increase pet rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming around the world. It will feature his training philosophy, a belief that every dog knows its place and follows rules set by the pack leader -- in this case, a human such as an owner or a trainer."

In considering his relationship with canines, he said, "A dog would never see me as a Mexican or immigrant or think things people say about me. Dogs don't rationalize. They don't hold anything against a person. They don't see the outside of a human but the inside of a human."


Over the years, Cesar's success has drawn some intense debate.

The rise in popularity of Cesar Milan, National Geographic's Dog Whisperer, caused a rift among different dog training experts.

Milan and his followers believe dog owners must act like dominant pack leaders, but a growing number of modern trainers are protesting Milan's methods, claiming they lead to an increase in dog aggression. Now a Nova Scotia-based company, the Clicker Leash Co., bridges the gap between the two camps with its flagship invention, the Clicker Leash.

The Clicker Leash first drew international attention when a Los Angeles-based PR firm chose the training system for a Presidential Puppy gift box, presented earlier this year to the Obamas.

The product evolved from clicker training, a method frequently used by behaviourists, zoo keepers and professional trainers to train all species of animals.

Since its arrival in the marketplace, the training leash has been embraced by experienced clicker trainers but has also made waves in dog whispering circles. "Being dominant means you control access to resources and traditionally this has been achieved with force," explains company president Adina MacRae.

"The Clicker Leash clearly lets dogs know you are the one in control of their resources without getting physical. When you use those resources as rewards, you end up with a well-trained dog without using the scare tactics formerly associated with dominance."

MacRae and business partner Shannon Spruin drew from their love of dogs to start the Clicker Leash Co. Both women own successful dog walking businesses and MacRae offers in-home canine counselling services.

As Milan's popularity grew, she saw an increase in demand for her services. "Cesar draws attention to the need for dog training but there is a reason for the warning at the beginning of his shows," says MacRae.

"When people try to physically dominate their dogs they run the risk of frightening them and a fearful dog is more likely to bite."





Copyright by Kathleen Falken. This Article may be freely emailed, copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and active links.


Tags: cesar milan dog, divorce, dog whisperer, millan cesar, puppy, suicide
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