Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Writers: Do You Need a Motivational Kick in the Pants?

One of the greatest challenges of writing a book is staying motivated throughout the project—this is something every writer struggles with at one time or another. And that's okay. No one can stay focused 100 percent of the time. What's important is that you stay committed to writing your book and you know how to re-motivate yourself when you feel like setting the project aside.

When you feel your inspiration waning, consider the following ways to snap out of it and stay motivated to write your book.

1. Just WRITE!
The best way to overcome a lack of writing motivation is to write—just put your head down and plow through. Don't worry about whether or not your words are perfect because you have to go back and revise later. If you're not sure about things like grammar and spelling, don't worry about it until the book is finished. A good editor can go back and tell you how to fix the writing. In the beginning, focus on getting your thoughts on paper or on the screen and organizing them.

2. Get Help
Don't be afraid to ask for help to stay motivated. If you haven't written a book before you might need to hire a writing coach or read some books about writing to get started and stay on track. If you need help and don't get it then you'll be more likely to give up on the book, and if you give up on the book you could be giving up on a brand new career or a great new income stream for your business—or a hobby that you might really enjoy. So whatever you do, don't give up on writing your book.

3. Communicate Your Challenges
Sometimes, just sharing your struggles with motivation can help you overcome them. One way to do this is start a blog and write about the process of writing the book. Your blog reader's comments and support will help keep you motivated to write and make sure you meet your deadlines—you won't want to disappoint your following. You also will have an audience of readers ready to buy your book the minute it's finished if you cultivate supporters during the writing process.

4. Keep Your Eye on the Prize
If you're stuck on the writing, think about how great it will feel to finish your book—and imagine what you'll do with the money that you make from your book. You can expand your business, go on an exotic vacation, treat yourself to a luxury spa weekend, buy a house, buy a car, or thousands of other things. Writing for the pleasure of writing is great. But when writing doesn't feel pleasurable anymore, it helps to think about book sales—and there's nothing wrong with that, especially if it keeps you writing.

5. It's Not Just About You
Another great way to get motivated is to think about how your book will benefit others, which is an underlying desire almost every aspiring writer possesses. Sharing your experiences might really help someone else who is in the same situation that you were, so let the satisfaction of helping others motivate you to keep writing your book.

Staying Motivated in the Future
Motivation comes and goes. The key to completing your book successfully is to recognize when you need a motivational kick in the pants and take action. When you feel like setting your book project aside, consider these strategies for overcoming your motivational challenges—your future success as a writer may depend on it.

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