Health & Medical Anti Aging

Forehead Fillers - Are They Really The Best Solution To Treat Forehead Wrinkles

Here's a look at the forehead fillers on the market and some of the other solutions for wrinkles.
With everything available today, there is simply no reason to look older than you want to.
  • BotoxBotox is only approved for smoothing out wrinkles between your eyes; across the bridge of your nose.
    But doctors have had some success using the relaxer to smooth out lines on the fore-head.
    Complications of Botox and the newer Dysport are relatively rare, but the toxin can result in frozen muscles, which causes the face to look expressionless.
    You should only consult a reputable dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you decide to go this route.
    The affects are temporary and the costs start at around $400 per injection.
  • Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen InjectionsHyaluronic acid is a compound naturally present in the skin, so the injections are well-tolerated.
    Collagen is derived from animal hides and can cause allergic reactions.
    Collagen injections have been around for several years.
    Its use is declining while the use of hyaluronic acid is increasing.
    The complications that can occur with ether of the popular forehead fillers are several.
    Swelling and bruising around the point of injection is the most common.
    It may take a week or more for the bruises to fade and your appearance to return to normal.
    Another problem is that the injectable solutions can form visible bumps under the skin.
    They can also make your face look puffy or fat.
    The results last for a year or less.
    The cost is around $800 per injection.
  • Alternatives to Forehead FillersThere are a number of natural alternatives to injections.
    The natural choices are not accompanied by negative side effects and some are quite effective.
    One of the most effective compounds is Functional Keratin.
    You will need to read the label of ingredients to find an anti-wrinkle or anti-aging cream that contains the compound.
    It is a "base" ingredient, not a finished product.
    Functional Keratin is a bioactive protein, meaning the skin's cells can absorb it and use it.
    The protein is accompanied by immediate cosmetic benefits.
    When applied to wrinkles and fine lines, it forms an invisible layer that bends the light just enough to reduce their appearance.
    The long-term benefits are what make Functional Keratin such a good ingredient.
    It has been shown to stimulate the production of new cells and elastic fibers.
    That's something the injectable forehead fillers cannot do.
    Learning more about Functional Keratin and the best anti-aging creams could help you make a lasting difference in your appearance.
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