Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural and Effective Gout Treatment - Diet Ideas to Help Ease the Pain and Get You Moving

There's a common misconception that people have about gout.
As soon as they hear you have it and they come to understand that it primarily affects your big toe, they assume it's no big deal.
That's an easy assumption to make unless you've suffered through a bout of this debilitating disease.
Gout is painful.
In fact, it's more painful than many conditions and it's not always easy to treat.
Practical and effective treatment for this common ailment should begin before it strikes.
If you've had one gout attack, you don't want another.
That's why you need to be more aware of prevention.
If you can stop it before it strikes, you'll never have to deal with that sharp and unruly pain again.
When you're searching for a natural and effective gout treatment, diet ideas should be something you look at.
Changing what you put into your body can make a huge difference in whether or not gout strikes you again.
When you're planning your gout treatment diet, there are a few foods that should make up the bulk of your menus.
These include: •Whole grains.
Processed flour can irritate your gout and should be avoided as much as you can.
It's an easy switch to change over to whole grain bread, rolls and tortillas.
You should also check all the labels on your favorite breakfast cereals to see what types of grains are being used in their production.
Many popular brands now come in whole grain versions.
•Low fat dairy products.
If you're used to having cream in your morning coffee, it's time to make the change to low fat milk.
High fat products, including dairy can have an adverse affect on gout.
All your favorite cheeses and yogurts should be available in lower fat versions.
You can even buy low fat ice cream now and it's often hard to taste the difference.
•Fruits and vegetables.
Eating healthy comes with many benefits including controlling the level or uric acid in your body.
Uric acid is the culprit behind gout pain.
If you bulk up on salads for lunch and dinner, you'll not only experience less gout problems but you'll get healthier too.
Fruit makes a great, quick and healthy snack.
Since it's a good idea to avoid sugary things, you'd be smart to pack an apple or orange for your coffee break and pass over the donuts.
•Chicken and fish.
Most of us have grown up on burgers and steaks but that can compromise your health if you suffer with gout.
Those meats are high in purines and that's something you need to avoid if you have gout.
Your main sources of protein should be skinless chicken and fish.
There are so many healthy ways to prepare them without adding unnecessary fat or calories.
Drinking a full eight glasses of water a day will also be beneficial if you've suffered with gout in the past.
Also, on the subject of beverages, severely limit your intake of alcohol.
It only helps to spur on gout and that's a pain that you really want to avoid.
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