The first task for an aspiring piano player is learning where all the notes on the piano are located.
The next lesson is usually how to play the various scales.
There are many different types of scales on the piano.
You have major, natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales.
There are also blues scales.
Today you will learn how to play the major and natural minor scales.
A major scale is a series of notes composed of whole and half steps.
A half step is simply the distance from one note to the very next.
For example, E to F is a half step.
Ab to A is also a half step.
A whole step is just two half steps.
Bb to C and F to G are two examples of whole steps.
With this in mind, you can easily construct a major scale if you know the formula.
Starting on any note, the formula to find the major scale is W-W-H-W-W-W-H.
W refers to a whole step, and H refers to a half step.
For example, let's use the formula to find the C major scale.
Start on C, go a whole step to D, whole step to E, half step to F, whole step to G, whole step to A, whole step to B, half step up to C.
You will notice that there are no black keys in the C, so let's find a major scale that has some.
For the Eb major scale, start on Eb and go a whole step up to F, whole step up to G, half step up to Ab, whole step up to Bb, whole step up to C, whole step up to D, and half step up to Eb.
Once you memorize this formula, you can quickly find any major scale.
Playing a natural minor scale is just as easy.
The formula to find a minor scale is just slightly difference.
The formula is W-H-W-W-H-W-W.
So you can see the difference between major and minor, let's find the C minor scale since you've already seen the C major scale.
Start on C, go a whole step to D, half step to Eb, whole step to F, whole step to G, half step to Ab, whole step to Bb, whole step to C.
Now to play the Eb minor scale.
Start on Eb, go a whole step to F, half step up to Gb, whole step up to Ab, whole step up to Bb, half step up to Cb, whole step up to Db, whole step up to Eb.
Playing major and natural minor scales is a simple process once you've memorized the formula.
It's a good idea to practice your scales every single day for however long you desire.
You will begin playing them with ease in no time at all.
Mastering the art of playing scales will make your mastery of more advanced piano lessons much easier.
The next lesson is usually how to play the various scales.
There are many different types of scales on the piano.
You have major, natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales.
There are also blues scales.
Today you will learn how to play the major and natural minor scales.
A major scale is a series of notes composed of whole and half steps.
A half step is simply the distance from one note to the very next.
For example, E to F is a half step.
Ab to A is also a half step.
A whole step is just two half steps.
Bb to C and F to G are two examples of whole steps.
With this in mind, you can easily construct a major scale if you know the formula.
Starting on any note, the formula to find the major scale is W-W-H-W-W-W-H.
W refers to a whole step, and H refers to a half step.
For example, let's use the formula to find the C major scale.
Start on C, go a whole step to D, whole step to E, half step to F, whole step to G, whole step to A, whole step to B, half step up to C.
You will notice that there are no black keys in the C, so let's find a major scale that has some.
For the Eb major scale, start on Eb and go a whole step up to F, whole step up to G, half step up to Ab, whole step up to Bb, whole step up to C, whole step up to D, and half step up to Eb.
Once you memorize this formula, you can quickly find any major scale.
Playing a natural minor scale is just as easy.
The formula to find a minor scale is just slightly difference.
The formula is W-H-W-W-H-W-W.
So you can see the difference between major and minor, let's find the C minor scale since you've already seen the C major scale.
Start on C, go a whole step to D, half step to Eb, whole step to F, whole step to G, half step to Ab, whole step to Bb, whole step to C.
Now to play the Eb minor scale.
Start on Eb, go a whole step to F, half step up to Gb, whole step up to Ab, whole step up to Bb, half step up to Cb, whole step up to Db, whole step up to Eb.
Playing major and natural minor scales is a simple process once you've memorized the formula.
It's a good idea to practice your scales every single day for however long you desire.
You will begin playing them with ease in no time at all.
Mastering the art of playing scales will make your mastery of more advanced piano lessons much easier.