- The average annual income of teachers in American Samoa is $10,000 as of 2008, according to the American Samoan Department of Education. The Education Department further breaks down the incomes for teachers without degrees ($6,500); teachers with associate's degrees ($9,500); teachers with bachelor's degrees ($12,000); and teachers with master's degrees ($20,000). Full-time public school teachers can qualify for a salary range of between $7,737 and $35,000, however, under a contract signed into law by the governor of American Samoa in 2008.
- While the median wages of American Samoa's teachers are low by U.S. standards, the level of educational attainment is also much lower in American Samoa than in the 50 states. Only 36 percent of teachers in American Samoa possess bachelor's degrees and only 13 percent have a teaching certificate.
- To apply for employment as a teacher in the American Samoa school system, fill out the employment application and mail it to:
Attn: Kalilimoku Hunt
Pago Pago
American Samoa, 96799
Teacher Compensation
Adjusting for Education Level
How to Apply