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If you were asked to pick one thing that you regret, I'm pretty sure that the answer of a lot of people will be smoking cigarettes, because when you think of the day you started to smoke (it seems like a dark day, doesn't it), what were you trying to do? You were switching your body's normal healthy state to an unhealthy miserable state, beginning with coughing and suffocating with every poisonous breath you intake, moving to changing all your body's natural protective responses, you're destroying your lungs, they were created to receive pure air to be supplied to all the body organs, but after smoking lung becomes a place to receive poisonous and hot smoke which slowly but surely destroys them.
Though all of us know about the dangers of smoking on our lives, and the huge amount of money you spend to get these cigarettes, taking the decision to quit smoking remains a tough step that a lot of people are afraid to take...But I don't know why! Despite all that has happened and is currently happening to prove to you that the idea of quitting smoking is a good one! I don't actually know the reason that keeps you smoking till this day, but maybe some people feel calm after finishing the cigarette, others use it to stay away from eating too much. Whatever your reason was, if you want to quit smoking you have to get rid of the idea you believe you're smoking for, otherwise you'll be wasting your time because the thing that urges you to smoke is still there in your mind. Whenever you decide stop smoking without uprooting the reasons that make you smoke, one day when you face the situation that you used to smoke for, you'll revert to your bad habit.
The reason you used to smoke for is like a monster in you, if you tried to hide this monster for a while or to neglect its existence, trying to live a normal life without dealing with the problems it might cause to you, you'll be fighting to stop smoking your whole life. This monster will fight to get a cigarette smoked, and now you know exactly why this happens...Because you created this monster inside you a long time ago and lost the ability to control it. That's why you have to know how to control it...The cigarette itself is not the monster, but the reason that makes you feel fine when you smoke is the real monster.
If you were asked to pick one thing that you regret, I'm pretty sure that the answer of a lot of people will be smoking cigarettes, because when you think of the day you started to smoke (it seems like a dark day, doesn't it), what were you trying to do? You were switching your body's normal healthy state to an unhealthy miserable state, beginning with coughing and suffocating with every poisonous breath you intake, moving to changing all your body's natural protective responses, you're destroying your lungs, they were created to receive pure air to be supplied to all the body organs, but after smoking lung becomes a place to receive poisonous and hot smoke which slowly but surely destroys them.
Though all of us know about the dangers of smoking on our lives, and the huge amount of money you spend to get these cigarettes, taking the decision to quit smoking remains a tough step that a lot of people are afraid to take...But I don't know why! Despite all that has happened and is currently happening to prove to you that the idea of quitting smoking is a good one! I don't actually know the reason that keeps you smoking till this day, but maybe some people feel calm after finishing the cigarette, others use it to stay away from eating too much. Whatever your reason was, if you want to quit smoking you have to get rid of the idea you believe you're smoking for, otherwise you'll be wasting your time because the thing that urges you to smoke is still there in your mind. Whenever you decide stop smoking without uprooting the reasons that make you smoke, one day when you face the situation that you used to smoke for, you'll revert to your bad habit.
The reason you used to smoke for is like a monster in you, if you tried to hide this monster for a while or to neglect its existence, trying to live a normal life without dealing with the problems it might cause to you, you'll be fighting to stop smoking your whole life. This monster will fight to get a cigarette smoked, and now you know exactly why this happens...Because you created this monster inside you a long time ago and lost the ability to control it. That's why you have to know how to control it...The cigarette itself is not the monster, but the reason that makes you feel fine when you smoke is the real monster.