So, you've been diagnosed with Herpes? Well, let me tell you the first thing you need to do - you need to make peace with the fact that you have herpes.
It's happened.
You got it, you can't change that.
But that's okay, there are plenty of things you can do that mean you'll never have to worry about having herpes.
Many people trying and fight the fact that they have herpes.
They try to fight against it, get angry with it, and hate themselves for it.
Don't you're only making things worse for yourself.
So here are some simple things you can to to help make peace with your herpes and start living life, just as you did before the Big H.
Start respecting yourself and your body.
Learn what you can about your disease and what it does to the body.
Learn to listen to what the virus is telling you.
There are signs and symptoms that mean you can nip it in the bud before it starts causing distress.
Understand that its there and you have to live with it.
But don't let it win the fight.
By treating your body with respect the disease can remain dormant.
Be patient - miracles don't happen overnight, but they do happen.
Be in it to win it.
Make sure you are always in charge of your body, and don't let Herpes be in charge.
Get the cavalry on board.
There are many supplements you can take which will reduce the chances of an outbreak.
Get Lysine on your team - he's a fighter.
Nip the niggle in the bud.
When you first start to feel the symptoms of an outbreak - apply herpeset to the area and you will find that the blisters won't even appear.
Then its back to business as usual.
So Herpes may be a devil on your shoulder - but you certainly don't have to be a martyr to it.
It's happened.
You got it, you can't change that.
But that's okay, there are plenty of things you can do that mean you'll never have to worry about having herpes.
Many people trying and fight the fact that they have herpes.
They try to fight against it, get angry with it, and hate themselves for it.
Don't you're only making things worse for yourself.
So here are some simple things you can to to help make peace with your herpes and start living life, just as you did before the Big H.
Start respecting yourself and your body.
Learn what you can about your disease and what it does to the body.
Learn to listen to what the virus is telling you.
There are signs and symptoms that mean you can nip it in the bud before it starts causing distress.
Understand that its there and you have to live with it.
But don't let it win the fight.
By treating your body with respect the disease can remain dormant.
Be patient - miracles don't happen overnight, but they do happen.
Be in it to win it.
Make sure you are always in charge of your body, and don't let Herpes be in charge.
Get the cavalry on board.
There are many supplements you can take which will reduce the chances of an outbreak.
Get Lysine on your team - he's a fighter.
Nip the niggle in the bud.
When you first start to feel the symptoms of an outbreak - apply herpeset to the area and you will find that the blisters won't even appear.
Then its back to business as usual.
So Herpes may be a devil on your shoulder - but you certainly don't have to be a martyr to it.