If so then there could be a very direct reason for why you experience stomach gas and a bloated belly. Find out what the #1 cause of stomach bloating is and what you have to do to cure it! Best of all you won't have to use any drugs and you can start making the changes you need to start feeling better today. First though lets look at what causes this problem.
3 Major Reasons for Feeling Bloated
#1. Diluting Stomach acid Too much at meals: When you drink liquids at meals it will often dilute your stomach acid to the point that your stomach is no longer able to break down the foods that enter it. It's very important to not drink any liquids with meals to maximize your digestive ability.
#2. Lack of Stomach acid and Enzyme Production: A lack of stomach acid and enzyme production will prevent the proper breakdown of foods and often results in bloating, gas and digestive pain. Some people will also experience acid reflux when there is a constant lack of stomach acid. The irony is that the medical establishment is trying to make people believe that too much stomach acid causes acid reflux, the reality is it's caused by the exact opposite! When your stomach lacks acid it will start trying to churn, either in an effort to physically break down food or get it out of the body since it is unable to effectively break it down.
#3. Candida Overgrowth: A yeast in the body that becomes a harmful fungus. You're probably wondering how this could cause stomach bloating, well very often if your body lacks enzyme production and stomach acid candida is to blame as it inhibits both of their production when it overgrows. As well candida creates fermentation in your digestive tract which creates a lot of gas which causes bloating all on its own and pushes against the stomach. This is believed to also be a cause of acid reflux as the pressure on the stomach causes the stomach to forcefully release stomach acid, in the same way that squeezing a water bottle shoots the water out.
Oh and did I mention over 90% of the population has this yeast in their body! So don't worry it's in you, the question is has it overgrown and is it causing your current health problems such as stomach bloating. The best thing you can do is fill out a quick questionnaire and see if you present enough symptoms to indicate a candida overgrowth. Once you decide that candida is a problem for you, you can begin making dietary changes. Take the correct supplements and begin working on eliminating the factors that caused it to over-run your health in the first place.
Is Candida Making you Feel Sick? Take our FREE Candida Test, Find out HOW to Eliminate Candida and your Bloating for GOOD by clicking http://www.howtocurecandida.com
3 Major Reasons for Feeling Bloated
#1. Diluting Stomach acid Too much at meals: When you drink liquids at meals it will often dilute your stomach acid to the point that your stomach is no longer able to break down the foods that enter it. It's very important to not drink any liquids with meals to maximize your digestive ability.
#2. Lack of Stomach acid and Enzyme Production: A lack of stomach acid and enzyme production will prevent the proper breakdown of foods and often results in bloating, gas and digestive pain. Some people will also experience acid reflux when there is a constant lack of stomach acid. The irony is that the medical establishment is trying to make people believe that too much stomach acid causes acid reflux, the reality is it's caused by the exact opposite! When your stomach lacks acid it will start trying to churn, either in an effort to physically break down food or get it out of the body since it is unable to effectively break it down.
#3. Candida Overgrowth: A yeast in the body that becomes a harmful fungus. You're probably wondering how this could cause stomach bloating, well very often if your body lacks enzyme production and stomach acid candida is to blame as it inhibits both of their production when it overgrows. As well candida creates fermentation in your digestive tract which creates a lot of gas which causes bloating all on its own and pushes against the stomach. This is believed to also be a cause of acid reflux as the pressure on the stomach causes the stomach to forcefully release stomach acid, in the same way that squeezing a water bottle shoots the water out.
Oh and did I mention over 90% of the population has this yeast in their body! So don't worry it's in you, the question is has it overgrown and is it causing your current health problems such as stomach bloating. The best thing you can do is fill out a quick questionnaire and see if you present enough symptoms to indicate a candida overgrowth. Once you decide that candida is a problem for you, you can begin making dietary changes. Take the correct supplements and begin working on eliminating the factors that caused it to over-run your health in the first place.
Is Candida Making you Feel Sick? Take our FREE Candida Test, Find out HOW to Eliminate Candida and your Bloating for GOOD by clicking http://www.howtocurecandida.com