Gifting program creators have no competition.
You raise above your competitors and make money online by creating at a breakneck pace.
Gifting Program Struggle
Sharing club struggle is usually rooted in 2 areas: lack of value created and/or lack of connections.
Most people do OK in the connecting department but suffer in the lack of value department.
To generate more leads you need to generate more targeted content.
No matter what. Do it.
No excuses. Set aside 1 hour each night to churn out a blog post.
Build your article around 1 keyword or phrase. Use the keyword 4 times in the article.
Do not let a day pass without creating 1 article. Missing even 1 day can slow down your creative momentum.
Most people fail in the sharing system game because they lose this momentum. 1 day off here, 2 days off there, and I just wrote 10 articles when you wrote 2, 1, or none.
Who are people going to see in the search engines, or on social networks, talking about gifting all the time? Me. Because I showed up every day, and you didn't.
400 words tops. The search engines like posts to be in this word range.
Anything more and it becomes tough to be prolific. Forcing out longer articles each day leads to burnout and you make less money online.
The idea is to distribute as many value-packed, targeted articles as possible to expand your presence.
Cut out extraneous wording. Reread to remove filler material. Use words efficiently to relay your message.
I set up 30 day challengers for my cash gifting team frequently.
Nothing like accountability to drive you into action.
30, 60, or 90 day challenges all work well. Set up a challenge for yourself, your team, or any other group of folks.
It's helpful to have an accountability partner to keep you on track.
I can share all the practical tips in the world but if you lack inspiration all my tips go for naught.
Decide why you want to be prolific. Hold your why. This is your motivator.
It could be to gain financial freedom, or to help others do the same, or to set up a little competition with yourself.
Whatever it is, you must hold the why in the face of distractions, boredom, bad internet connections, or any other form of resistance which can stunt your content creation campaign, if you allow the resistance to do so.
Find your why and hold it dearly to become a gifting program content creation machine.
You raise above your competitors and make money online by creating at a breakneck pace.
Gifting Program Struggle
Sharing club struggle is usually rooted in 2 areas: lack of value created and/or lack of connections.
Most people do OK in the connecting department but suffer in the lack of value department.
To generate more leads you need to generate more targeted content.
Step 1 – Create 1 Article A Day
No matter what. Do it.
No excuses. Set aside 1 hour each night to churn out a blog post.
Build your article around 1 keyword or phrase. Use the keyword 4 times in the article.
Do not let a day pass without creating 1 article. Missing even 1 day can slow down your creative momentum.
Most people fail in the sharing system game because they lose this momentum. 1 day off here, 2 days off there, and I just wrote 10 articles when you wrote 2, 1, or none.
Who are people going to see in the search engines, or on social networks, talking about gifting all the time? Me. Because I showed up every day, and you didn't.
Step 2 – Keep It Short And Sweet
400 words tops. The search engines like posts to be in this word range.
Anything more and it becomes tough to be prolific. Forcing out longer articles each day leads to burnout and you make less money online.
The idea is to distribute as many value-packed, targeted articles as possible to expand your presence.
Cut out extraneous wording. Reread to remove filler material. Use words efficiently to relay your message.
Step 3 – Set Up A Challenge
I set up 30 day challengers for my cash gifting team frequently.
Nothing like accountability to drive you into action.
30, 60, or 90 day challenges all work well. Set up a challenge for yourself, your team, or any other group of folks.
It's helpful to have an accountability partner to keep you on track.
Bonus Step – The Missing Link
I can share all the practical tips in the world but if you lack inspiration all my tips go for naught.
Decide why you want to be prolific. Hold your why. This is your motivator.
It could be to gain financial freedom, or to help others do the same, or to set up a little competition with yourself.
Whatever it is, you must hold the why in the face of distractions, boredom, bad internet connections, or any other form of resistance which can stunt your content creation campaign, if you allow the resistance to do so.
Find your why and hold it dearly to become a gifting program content creation machine.