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Learn Share Market Basics

Share market is one of the ways to earn an alternate income and good returns for our investments.
You are also at the risk of losing your hard earned money if you do not do proper research and invest.
If you choose the wrong shares, then there is more probability to lose your money.
So please get some stock market education and understand the stock market basics for doing proper research.
Some important terms that you should understand are: BSE: - Bombay Stock Exchange - It is the oldest exchange in India and it is located in Mumbai.
Most of the shares of the indian companies are listed in this exchange.
NSE: National Stock Exchange - It is the electronic exchange available in india.
It is located in Mumbai.
SEBI: - Stock Exchange Board of India.
They monitor the activities of all the exchanges and take necessary actions in case of any irregularities.
IPO: Initial Public Offer - It is the route through which the companies raise money first time and list their shares in the stock exchanges.
The companies file a DRHP (Draft Red Herring Prospectus) to the stock exchanges for listing their shares.
FPO: Follow on Public Offer - It is the route through which the companies which are already listed in the exchange, raise money again for their expansion purposes.
For this they list additional shares in the exchanges to raise money.
These are some of the important terms used in stock market.
You have to follow the stock market guide and stock trading strategies properly to make more and safe money.
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