Old folks often tell stories of how they would potty train their kids as young as 6 months of age.
Meanwhile other people believe that toddlers should at least be 3 years old before training them.
The truth is that there is no definitive age on when should parents start training their young ones.
Child experts agree that it should be based on the potty training readiness of the kid, to ensure a successful and efficient training procedure.
The first potty training readiness factor that should be considered before toilet training your toddler is bladder readiness.
Since babies are still developing their body parts, it is natural that their underdeveloped bladder can only hold a small amount of urine.
As the child develop, his or her bladder increases and therefore they can store more amounts of urine for a longer period.
Once you have observed that the length of time between urination of your kid starts to become longer especially during the day, then it is a sign of potty training readiness since the bladder is already developed.
The second factor that should be considered in potty training readiness is the psychological readiness.
This basically means that your toddler is already aware that he or she is urinating or defecating.
In addition, the child recognizes when he or she has a dirty diaper.
Also, another component of psychological readiness is the interest or willingness of your child to use the potty chair.
This is an important prerequisite because the child needs to have that notion in order to comprehend what potty training is about.
Finally the last factor that should be kept in mind as a sign of potty training readiness is the physical readiness.
It is no good to teach a toddler how to control such bodily functions when they do not have yet the ability to go to a potty chair or pull their pants down.
When a toddler is able to walk or at least move on his or her own and recognize where the bathroom is, that is the time when that kid is considered to be physically ready for training.
Meanwhile other people believe that toddlers should at least be 3 years old before training them.
The truth is that there is no definitive age on when should parents start training their young ones.
Child experts agree that it should be based on the potty training readiness of the kid, to ensure a successful and efficient training procedure.
The first potty training readiness factor that should be considered before toilet training your toddler is bladder readiness.
Since babies are still developing their body parts, it is natural that their underdeveloped bladder can only hold a small amount of urine.
As the child develop, his or her bladder increases and therefore they can store more amounts of urine for a longer period.
Once you have observed that the length of time between urination of your kid starts to become longer especially during the day, then it is a sign of potty training readiness since the bladder is already developed.
The second factor that should be considered in potty training readiness is the psychological readiness.
This basically means that your toddler is already aware that he or she is urinating or defecating.
In addition, the child recognizes when he or she has a dirty diaper.
Also, another component of psychological readiness is the interest or willingness of your child to use the potty chair.
This is an important prerequisite because the child needs to have that notion in order to comprehend what potty training is about.
Finally the last factor that should be kept in mind as a sign of potty training readiness is the physical readiness.
It is no good to teach a toddler how to control such bodily functions when they do not have yet the ability to go to a potty chair or pull their pants down.
When a toddler is able to walk or at least move on his or her own and recognize where the bathroom is, that is the time when that kid is considered to be physically ready for training.