Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Sooth Your Feet and Do Away With Dry, Cracked Skin

The patients that are often most embarrassed during their appointments with me are the ones who come to me with problem feet.
There are many different reasons patients have complaints about their feet, but the most common is that their skin is dry and cracked.
This condition can be itchy, painful and uncomfortable.
It can also be unsightly, which is why some people feel embarrassed by their feet.
If you have dry, cracked feet-or if you're prone to this condition during the dry winter months-then you need to read on.
I have a number of different footbath recommendations that can soothe your itchy skin, help to heal painful cracks, and generally just leave you feeling happier with your feet.
Your Feet Work Hard for You-Pamper Them! If there's any part of your body that deserves some extra care and attention, it's your feet.
They work hard for you and the price is often skin that isn't as healthy as it could be.
When the skin around the heels gets dry, it tends to crack.
The cracks often become inflamed and sore.
Dry skin around the feet can be caused by a number of things.
Low humidity during the wintertime is a big culprit.
Hot showers can strip the skin of oils and lead to dryness.
You can even have a genetic tendency for dry skin.
But just because you have dry skin doesn't mean you have to put up with it.
A footbath can provide relief to your feet and help to restore moisture to the skin.
Here's what you do: -Find a small tub that is large enough to fit both of your feet into comfortably.
-Fill it with warm, but not hot, water.
-Add a handful of Epsom salt or sea salt.
-Add other ingredients as desired...
keep reading for my recommendations.
Making the Perfect Foot Bath Depending on the needs of your feet, you can tailor your footbath to make it perfect for you.
You can add peppermint oil to ease fatigued or tired feet or aloe vera juice to reduce redness and inflammation from cracking.
Shea butter, jojoba, comfrey, and tea tree oil are also good options.
You can also mix these ingredients to create the most enjoyable experience for your feet.
In studies, researchers have found that peppermint, when applied to the skin, helps to ease muscle tension.
1 It also has a cooling effect that can be very refreshing for tired feet.
Aloe vera is a natural and effective way to reduce inflammation and speed healing.
Many studies have verified its anti-inflammatory affects on the skin.
2 If you have cracked skin around your heals or the balls of your feet, then a footbath containing aloe vera juice or gel is ideal.
Jojoba is another good ingredient to reduce inflammation.
Research shows that it lowers inflammation and improves the integrity of your skin, both good things for your sore, tired feet.
3 Another good ingredient for a footbath is comfrey gel.
Comfrey is a little different because its action reaches deep into your skin.
In fact, topically applied comfrey gel is so good a reducing inflammation and promoting healing that it can even help sprains to heal faster.
4 It's a great way to relieve deep aches within your feet.
A footbath is an excellent way to pamper yourself, to relieve the aches and pains plaguing your feet, and to restore the skin on your feet to good health.
At last, you'll have feet you can be proud of!
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