Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Stomach Pain in Young Children


    • There are a number of causes for stomach pain in young children: bacteria or virus infections, food poisoning or food allergies, appendicitis, bowel troubles or medical problems like diabetes.


    • Young children may tell you that their stomach hurts--an infant may curl up and cry when they are in pain. Pain is often felt in the abdominal area, and a young child may rub in the area of their belly button when it hurts. When it is viral, a child may have diarrhea or vomit.


    • A doctor may draw blood from a child to check blood counts, blood cultures or the liver. He may also take stool samples to look for blood, parasites or possible bacteria. Other tests may include a CT scan or ultrasound of the abdomen, or a barium enema or swallow.


    • Children should get plenty of rest and drink plenty of liquids such as water, ginger ale or broth. For viral cases, introduce solid foods slowly back into a child's diet and begin with crackers or toast. Use over-the-counter medicines such as acetaminophen to treat fever there is one.


    • According to the Kids Growth website, only one in 20 kids is found to have a physical condition relating to stomach pain. Often stomach pain is the result of a psychological factor such as being worried or upset about something that can cause an upset stomach. Talk with your child to find out if there are any underlying problems that could be troubling them.

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