Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetic Nephropathy-Symptoms

Diabetic Nephropathy-Symptoms There are no symptoms in the early stages of diabetic nephropathy. If you have kidney damage, you may have small amounts of protein leaking into your urine (albuminuria). Normally, protein is not found in urine except during periods of high fever, strenuous exercise, pregnancy, or infection.

Not everyone with diabetes will develop diabetic nephropathy. In people with type 1 diabetes, diabetic nephropathy is more likely to develop 5 to 10 years or more after the onset of diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes may find out that they already have a small amount of protein in the urine at the time diabetes is diagnosed, because they may have had diabetes for several years.

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In every issue of WebMD the Magazine, we ask our experts to answer readers' questions about a wide range of topics. In our January-February 2011 issue, we asked WebMD's diabetes expert, Michael Dansinger, MD, to answer a question about the link between prediabetes and diabetes. Q: At my last checkup, my doctor told me I have prediabetes. Does that mean I'll ultimately develop diabetes? A: Almost everyone who develops type 2 diabetes develops prediabetes first. But not everyone who has prediabetes...

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As diabetic nephropathy progresses, your kidneys cannot do their job as well. They cannot clear toxins or drugs from your body as well. And they cannot balance the chemicals in your blood very well. You may:

You may have symptoms if your nephropathy gets worse. These symptoms include:

If the kidneys are severely damaged, blood sugar levels may drop because the kidneys cannot remove excess insulin or filter oral medicines that increase insulin production.

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