Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Smoking - The Quitter"s Guide to Successfully Stopping

Looking for a "Quit Smoking Solution"? You already know it's a filthy habit.
It's costing you your health and it's costing you your self-respect.
There are two things you need to finally change the way you think about smoking, and easily and permanently give up cigarettes.
) You need to believe.
The power of faith can move mountains.
We all know those cases where a distraught mother manages to lift a car from her injured child, or where a crash survivor makes it against all the odds by the power of belief.
If you believe in any kind of spirituality you'll be familiar with the concept of belief as a moving force.
If you're not a spiritual person then you surely appreciate the power and scope of the human mind.
Nicotine addiction is a two-fold force.
There is the physical addiction where the level of nicotine in the body rises and falls and creates its own cycle of need and satisfaction.
There is also the psychological addiction which depends on a vast range of factors from association (like when you always have a cigarette with your cup of coffee) to peer pressure (all your friends smoke, so you do too!).
The physical dependence is easily beaten.
You go eight hours without a cigarette when you sleep...
many more hours on a long-haul flight.
In fact, all the nicotine leaves your body within 36 hours of your last puff.
Within 3 days the physical cycle of addiction is over.
It is the psychological factors that will decide if you smoke again or if you stay a happy non-smoker.
In other words...
It's All In The Mind! All you need to do is change your mind about smoking and you'll be a successful and happy quitter who never craves nicotine again.
But how do you get deep down into your subconscious, where these life-changes can be made? 2.
) You need to find the right help.
Do you know what the right help is for you? Will you respond best to hypnosis or hypnotherapy, multi-session or single session? Are you more of a visual person or a feeling person, are you logical or creative? Will a man's voice or a woman's voice be most effective in relaxing you? Will binaural beats or new-age whale song be the key into your subconscious mind? The fact is that you can't know for sure what kind of program is going to work for you.
Every human being on the planet is different.
Although there are principles of hypnosis which are guaranteed to work you need to find your own unique key to your subconscious mind.
You need a program you enjoy listening to and that you find relaxing.
Find a professionally recorded audio that makes you comfortable and secure.
The truth is that until you try, you can never know for sure if a certain hypnotherapist or a certain recording is going to be the one that finally allows you to contact your subconscious and change the way you think about smoking.
All you can do is take a shot at getting it right.
Final piece of advice.
Make sure that whatever program you try in your search for quit smoking help, you get a money-back guarantee...
so if it doesn't work for you, you can keep trying until you find one that does!
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