- 1). Tape an 11 by 17-inch paper lengthwise on the drawing table. Place a t-square against the edge of the drawing table and draw a horizontal line on the paper 6-inches from the top edge of the paper.
- 2). Mark a dot 1/2-inch from the left side on the horizontal line. Mark a second dot 1/2-inch from the right side on the horizontal line. These will be your vanishing points. The horizontal line is your horizon.
- 3). Measure 12-inches from the left side of the paper. Use the triangle against the t-square edge to draw a vertical line 4-inches above the line and 2-inches below the line. This represents the corner of the fence post that is closest to you.
- 4). Make a mark 1/2-inch to the left and 1/2-inch to the right of your corner fence post line. Use the triangle to draw two vertical lines of the same height as your corner line.
- 5). Place your triangle so that one edge touches the right side vanishing point. Rotate the triangle to the top mark on your center corner fence post vertical line. Draw a line from the 4-inch mark to the vertical line on the right. Rotate the triangle down to the 2-inch mark on your center corner fence post vertical line. Draw a line from the mark to the vertical line on the right. You just drew the right side of the fence post in perspective.
- 6). Place your triangle so that one edge touches the left side vanishing point. Rotate the triangle to the top mark on your center corner fence post vertical line. Draw a line from the 4-inch mark to the vertical line on the left. Rotate the triangle down to the 2-inch mark on your center corner fence post vertical line. Draw a line from the mark to the vertical line on the left. You just drew the left side of the fence post in perspective.
- 7). Measure 3-inches from the left edge of your fence post and mark. Mark 3/8-inch to the left and 7/16 to the right of the first mark. Draw three vertical lines. Use the triangle on the left vanishing point. Draw a line from your finished fence post to the vanishing point. This will be the top line of all of your posts on that perspective line. Rotate the triangle down and mark the bottom line the same way.
- 8). Place the triangle on the right vanishing point. Locate where the left side vanishing line crosses the center vertical line of your second fence post. Draw a line from this intersection to the right line. Rotate the triangle down and draw from the vanishing point intersection to the right line. As you can see, the right side of the posts appear thicker than the left. This is because the right side vanishing point is closer. As the fence moves toward the left the posts will shrink in height and the right side of the post will become visually wider as the left side becomes more narrow.