Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

6 Requirements Needed To Become A Canadian Citizen

In order to become a Canadian Citizen, there are some requirements that need to be met, these include: age, permanent resident status, amount time lived in Canada, language abilities, criminal history and knowledge of Canada.
This article will take the time to explain all the requirements in each category.
Age In order to apply for citizenship yourself you must be at least 18 years of age.
If someone is applying for someone under 18 years old they will need to: · Be the child's parent or legal guardian · The child must be a permanent resident, but does not need to live in Canada for three years · One parent will need to either be a Canadian citizen or be in the process of applying to become a citizen at the same time as the child Permanent Resident Status In order to qualify as a Canadian Citizen, you will need to have a permanent resident status in Canada and it must be in good standing.
In order to be in good standings, you cannot be a part of an immigration investigation, questioning or a removal order.
Time Lived In Canada In order to apply for your Canadian citizenship you will need to have lived in Canada for a minimum of three years, or 1,095 days, over the last four years.
As previously mentioned this is only true for adults and not children under 18.
The time spent in Canada prior to becoming a permanent resident may also be able to be counted if it was in the last four years.
Language Abilities: There are two official languages in Canada and these are French and English.
If you wish to become a Canadian citizen you will need to have a fairly good knowledge of one of these.
The measurement of these skills will be evaluated during your citizenship knowledge test as well as your interactions with Citizenship and Immigration Canada staff.
In order to be seen as having sufficient knowledge, you will need to answer simple questions, prove that you can communicate in either English or French.
You may be asked to tell a story or even give instructions or directions.
Criminal History In terms of your criminal history the following will disqualify you from becoming a Canadian citizen: · Being convicted of a criminal offence or an offence which falls under the Citizenship Act in the three years prior to your application · You are in the process of being charged with an offence that falls in the Citizenship Act · You are in jail, on parole or on probation · You have been asked to leave the country by Canadian officials · You are being investigated or charges for a war crime or a crime against humanity · You have previously lost your Canadian citizenship in the last five years Knowledge of Canada There will be a test of your knowledge of Canada before you can become a Canadian Citizen.
Many things from Canada's history, values, responsibility and rights need to be understood.
There is study guide available free of charge for those who will be doing the test.
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