- 1). Cut a 1-by-8-inch board the length of the dividing wall. Screw a PVC flange to the top of the board 1-inch from one end, centered on the board. Use wood screws and a screwdriver. Repeat for the second end of the board.
- 2). Cut two PVC pipes to the height of the divider using a hacksaw. Apply PVC glue to the inside of the flange and the outside of one pipe. Insert the pipe into the flange. Repeat for the second pipe. Apply PVC glue to the inside of an elbow. Attach the elbow to the top of the pipe facing inward. Repeat for the second pipe.
- 3). Measure between the two elbows and add 1 inch. Cut a third pipe to this measurement. Apply PVC glue to the outside of the pipe on each end. Apply glue to the inside of the elbows and insert the pipe into the elbows.
- 4). Measure the inside width between the pipes. Subtract 4 inches. Measure the inside height from the top pipe to the wood and subtract 4 inches. Cut canvas to this size.
- 5). Turn the edge of the canvas under 1/2 inch. Turn the fold under 1/2 inch and sew a seam around all sides of the canvas. Insert grommets using a grommet tool and hammer every 4 inches around the entire canvas panel 1 inch from the edge.
- 6). Attach the canvas with cord to the tubing. Start at a bottom corner and lace through a grommet and around the tubing, centering the canvas between the tubes. Lace up, over and down. Screw small-size screw eyes into the wood between the flanges every 4 inches and continue lacing across the bottom. Stand up your divider to use it.