Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

On The Skull

On The Skull

On the skull I feel the moving of the entire globe.

I sense the activities of the people striving hard to reach their goals.

People of different caste,creed and color sing their songs.

Understanding their feelings and sentiments I serve them with smiles and love.


I remain contented and happy with the flow of different kinds of rivers.

The dance of the rivers fill my mind with lot of hopes.

The oceans with their waves all the time roar giving me strength and I advance on the path with sweet endeavors.

The vast oceans expand my vision and I embrace the entire globe.


The different mountains and the Himalayas make me a strong warrior.

Feeling their presence on the skull I fight the battle of life with zeal and vigor.

The firmness of the mountains and the cool Himalayas remove my irritation and anger.

Becoming firm like the mountains and imbibing the coolness of the Himalayas I advance on the path with cheers.


The different kinds of forests with gigantic trees give me happiness and joy.

The silence of the forests take my mind toward the Lord.

Remembering the Lord I do my duties with heart and soul.

Feeling like a sage in the forests I read all the lines of the scriptures.


The trains move,buses pass,planes fly and different kinds of vehicles are felt on the skull.

From the movement of the vehicles I gain momentum to fight the battle with well planned endeavors.

Those vehicles take me forward to fight with all energies of the brain,body and mind to reach my goals.

I fight the battle of life learning from the machines and forget my sorrows.


As the different kinds of activities take place on the skull I feel closer to the globe.

Imbibing the entire globe inside my brain I walk on the path of life like a victorious warrior.

I learn many things from the functions of the universe.

Holding the entire activities of the globe on the skull I serve all with smiles and love.


I never feel tired and dejected and remain afresh and alive like a dew drop.

As the sun rises on the eastern horizon I see on my mental sky beautiful rainbows.

Moving around the sun like the globe I perform all my duties to fulfill my dreams and hopes.

As the sun sets on the western sky I return home offering to it my prayers.


I feel the entire organization,family and society on the skull.

I become determined to serve my organization and family with love.

I become enthused with the functions of the entire globe.

Loving all the people on it I become merged with the Lord.


As I sense the globe on the skull I walk on the path of life with courage and confidence.

I stop at nothing and fear at nothing being firmly abided by the divine laws.

My faith and determination beome strong and I care not any adverse situation.

Becoming a master of all the situations I manage and serve all with out any tension.


Under the stars filled sky with the full moon and the stars I feel inside the brain the entire universe.

The stars move and the clouds pass on the surface of the moon making beautiful my life's songs.

I look to the sky and fly like a free bird on the surface of the globe.

The brain beomes pregnant with all the secrets of the universe.


Applying the sercrets in the battle of life I fulfill my dreams and hopes.

I rest inside the center of the globe and view my life with all love.

Forgiveness and tolerance toward all people help me serve them in a better manner.

On the surface due to the constant activities of the globe I forget all my dejections,tiredness and sorrows.


Till the last breath of my life I will go on serving the globe.

I have to one day mix with the soil of the globe listening to the call of the Lord.

Before the final call of the Lord I do my duties obeying all His instructions.

Listening to his calls I walk on the path of life with a well defined mission and vision.


As the globe moves on the skull I walk on the path of life like a disciplined warrior.

Serving well my organization,family and society I hope for a bright future.

I forget all my worries and anxieties looking to the kind Lord.

In this world of sorrows,anxieties,grief and various kinds of frustrations Lord is the only savior and in each moment of life fills my mind with zeal and vigor.
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