People often ask how hypnosis can help someone stop smoking; surely it's a chemical addiction? Why else would Government and Health Services promote nicotine substitution if it weren't? We are even told by experts that smoking is more addictive than heroin, but is it true? A heroin addict is woken up in the night by the need to feed their addiction and can't get up and function if they haven't satisfied it.
However, smokers can go right through the night without being woken by the need to have a cigarette and many smokers don't have their first cigarette till half way through their day.
Conventional wisdom tells us that if a smoker doesn't get a cigarette for some time they get irritable, have mood swings and tend to eat more.
Since the ban on smoking in public places, many people don't smoke at all in the morning or even the afternoon.
However they may still get through a packet of twenty during that evening.
Talking of public places, take the situation that existed in most bars, clubs and pubs before the public smoking ban came in.
Many non-smokers or ex-smokers worked in these places breathing in second hand smoke and yet they didn't become addicted or re-addicted, despite the fact that they were breathing in other peoples smoke for many hours of the day, sometimes seven days a week.
When someone goes on a long haul plane flight they might have to go many hours without smoking but because they can't smoke, they don't.
Now the interesting thing is that the majority of smokers aren't bothered by this at all..
until ten or fifteen minutes before they reach their destination, when they start to think about where they can smoke their next cigarette.
Needless to say this isn't how addictions work.
The fact is if someone bites their nails and they try and stop, they get irritable, they get mood swings and they tend to eat more.
Is it a coincidence that this is exactly what happens when someone tries to stop smoking or could this maybe mean that smoking is a habit? Now hypnosis is very good at dealing with habits, so if smoking were a habit it would lend itself very well to treatment by hypnosis.
Guess what the most successful way of treating smoking is? You guessed it, according to research carried out by the New Scientist Magazine in the largest study of its kind and I quote "Hypnosis is the most effective method to stop smoking.
However, smokers can go right through the night without being woken by the need to have a cigarette and many smokers don't have their first cigarette till half way through their day.
Conventional wisdom tells us that if a smoker doesn't get a cigarette for some time they get irritable, have mood swings and tend to eat more.
Since the ban on smoking in public places, many people don't smoke at all in the morning or even the afternoon.
However they may still get through a packet of twenty during that evening.
Talking of public places, take the situation that existed in most bars, clubs and pubs before the public smoking ban came in.
Many non-smokers or ex-smokers worked in these places breathing in second hand smoke and yet they didn't become addicted or re-addicted, despite the fact that they were breathing in other peoples smoke for many hours of the day, sometimes seven days a week.
When someone goes on a long haul plane flight they might have to go many hours without smoking but because they can't smoke, they don't.
Now the interesting thing is that the majority of smokers aren't bothered by this at all..
until ten or fifteen minutes before they reach their destination, when they start to think about where they can smoke their next cigarette.
Needless to say this isn't how addictions work.
The fact is if someone bites their nails and they try and stop, they get irritable, they get mood swings and they tend to eat more.
Is it a coincidence that this is exactly what happens when someone tries to stop smoking or could this maybe mean that smoking is a habit? Now hypnosis is very good at dealing with habits, so if smoking were a habit it would lend itself very well to treatment by hypnosis.
Guess what the most successful way of treating smoking is? You guessed it, according to research carried out by the New Scientist Magazine in the largest study of its kind and I quote "Hypnosis is the most effective method to stop smoking.