Health & Medical Anti Aging

Anti Aging Tips And Tricks

Add a calcium supplement or be sure to get enough calcium through your diet. For women over age 50 and men over 65, take a total of 1,500 milligrams per day (1,000 milligrams a day for med aged 60 to 65). Be sure and take calcium in divided doses so that it is fully absorbed.
Buy a product that has equal percentages of the daily value for copper and zinc.
Choose a multivitamin that contains little or no iron.
Take your multivitamin and antioxidant supplements with meals or low-fat snacks to get the full benefit of fat and water soluble vitamins.
Buy dairy products that are fortified with vitamin D.
Do not take doses larger than those recommended by experts or without approval from your doctor.
Don't increase your consumption of supplements without checking with your doctor first, especially if you are on other medications.
Towel-dry your face - This helps remove heaped-up dead cells and allows healthy young cells to reach the surface. Towel upward, against the pull of gravity. Be brisk but gentle; the towel will do a great job with almost no pressure. Your face may glow briefly from the exfoliation, but don't worry, you're helping your skin, not hurting it.
Many of the ways we age are determined by genetics, but researchers now know that lifestyle choices, for example, what you eat, how you exercise, whether you're able to relax, can help minimize these effects on the brain.
While a poor diet can have detrimental effects on memory, a healthful one can certainly be of benefit to the brain, in other words eating healthy certainly wont hurt.
While creams, serums and supplements promise to erase wrinkles, lighten age spots, and sooth age-related dryness, experts say the simplest (and least expensive) way to keep your skin healthy and younger looking is to stay out of the sun.
Antioxidant rich foods, such as colorful vegetables and berries, have been shown to help protect against sun damage at the cellular level and can slow the aging of cells.
An active lifestyle can help you maintain strength, flexibility, endurance and balance and let you age gracefully. Filling up on so-called "empty calories" like refined carbohydrates taxes your body's systems and actually saps your energy reserves.
Time and again, research shows that people who smoke tend to have more wrinkles than non-smokers of the same age, complexion and history of sun exposure. This may be because the chemicals or carcinigens in cigarettes play a role in damaging the elastin in our skin.
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