Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Looking After Your Skin

Do you look after your skin? Do you moisturise all over and not just your hands and face?

If you think about it, your skin is what you wear and it can battle all weathers, fabrics and so on and requires you to moisturise it and take care.

I put make up on daily for my face, i put it on before i apply my makeup so it acts as a base coat as make up can tend to dry up your skin. I also use a face mist which refreshers my skin throughout the day. Below are some helpful tips bout your skin and options on how to look after it,

1. Avoid harsh elements
oaps, harsh chemicals, hot water and detergents can contribute to dry out your skin. Believe it or not water can actually dry skin out. Washing with soaps and detergents removes more oil from the skin's protective fats and in cases where skin is already dry, can potentially dry it out even further. This can be a particular problem with hand dryness. If you regularly wash your hands in hot, soapy water, you can make them worse. The same applies to the skin of your body. If you have lots of hot baths or showers, this tends to remove some of the protective lipids from your skin,' he says.

2. Moisturise
How many people still forget to apply moisturiser when their skin most needs it? Moisturising can bring relief to tight, itchy, dry skin. Which one should you go for? The best moisturisers contain two main ingredients. One is lipids, which mimic the normal natural moisturising factors. These are often called 'sphingolipids' or 'ceramides'. They have been shown to be better than simple petroleum products like petroleum jelly. The other is humectants - such as the two most frequently used: glycerin and hyaluronic salts. They trap moisture in the skin and keep it there.

3. Exfoliation
Some beauty therapists recommend light, gentle exfoliation to get rid of dry skin cells. With dry skin, there's a build-up of dead cells. This build-up hinders the skin from carrying out its normal function of excreting toxins, and as a result adds to the skin's problems. Use a light, gentle daily polisher that contains smaller granules such as walnut shavings and jojoba spheres, rather than exfoliants that can contain larger pieces and can be harsh on the skin. Vigorous exfoliation can remove some of the skin's protective barrier function. Those with severe dryness or sensitive skin should probably avoid exfoliating anywhere other than on the feet.

4. Foods that nourish
Consuming the right nutrients will only add to your general health, and may give your skin a boost. A poor diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals will show signs, such as flaky skin. General tips for healthy eating include important vitamins such as A, C, D, E. These can be found in a range of fruits, vegetables and daily products. Try to eat a balanced diet. Essential fatty acids such omega 3 are good for general health, and may help play a role in supporting the skin. The best source of Omega 3 in the diet is oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna, sardines and herring.Remember: alcohol dehydrates, and drinking too much will affect your skin.

5. DIY facial
For a homemade body polish, try this recipe:mix together 2 tablespoon of almond oil with 1tbsp of oatmealapply to the face and bodypolish on to your body using the palms of your hands, and always brush towards the heart. Include your face, hands, feet and nailseven though you may have dry skin in one particular area, polish the whole body. This will help stimulate the circulation system and ultimately balance the skin.Alternatively, try olive oil and almond oil as tonics for dry skin. Apply to the face or body before you go into the bath or shower, and use a bathing mitt to wash the body. Apply again before going to bed.
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