Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Article Marketing Tips " Are Your Articles More Effective Than Your Pay-Per-Clicks

Article Marketing is the number one choice of several successful internet marketers, since they used it to the hilt to derive maximum results from it. Compared to the ever expensive pay per clicks the traditional choice of almost 85% internet marketers,article marketing clearly stands out as a winner, given you know how to apply it to your internet business.

No wonder today, we have tons & tons of article marketing sites, also called as article directories offering free article marketing services to marketers across the internet. Not that the people are not aware of the power of article marketing, but it is only the lack of real application of these rather invaluable article marketing tips, by a majority of marketers that is responsible for the mediocre results of the articles marketing strategy.

In essence, article marketing domination, as a strategy can prove to be much more effective in results, easier to use and extensive in leads generation vis a vis payperclicks.

But such article marketing success is only possible when you consciously apply these most hyped about but least practised article marketing strategies in creating articles.

The Article Title :

The first few words of the header of your article decide the success of your article marketing campaign. Almost like the ppc ad header. The only dissimilarity is that you have more canvas to express your thoughts & attract the reader's attention to it.

Make sure that the title of the article is compelling enough and has a generous mix of the key keywords right amongst the first 3-4 words in the article title. Only if the title of the article is one which offers a unique solution that the target audience relates to and needs, will the reader click on it to read the content of your article. Thus almost more than 90 % of your article marketing success depends on the title of the article.

The Body of the Article:

Maintain continuity & relevancy of what you said in the header, so that the reader is interested to reader further. Make it slick & to the point. Offer really good information, but just enough to capture the reader's interest.

Sharing too much direct information in the article body itself will prevent the reader from clicking the url or the link in the resource box thus defeating the very purpose of the article.

The Resource Box :

The Resource box is equally significant as the title of your article, since it is here where the casual reader of your article, assumes the form of a targeted lead, since your content has created the need in his mind, for the product/ service or opportunity that you are wrting about in your article.

Therefore a sales pitch in the resource box is an absolute no no. In effect, it should be a natural continuation to the content of the article, so that the prospect is compelled to click thru & be guided to the website, which is the sole intent of the article.
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