All major credit cards have an expiration date (some private label retail cards do not), a month and year by which your credit card will no longer be valid. If you try to use a credit card past the expiration date, your card will likely be declined and you'll have to choose another method of payment. Some automatic transactions, like for subscriptions, may continue to go through for a few months after the expiration date.
Don't be surprised if you receive a call from the service provider asking you to update your card information.
Watch your mail as your expiration date approaches. Many credit card issuers automatically send a new card before your expiration date passes. The new card will have the same credit card account number, but a new expiration date and security code. When you receive the new card, you can call your credit card issuer to activate it and shred the old card. If you've set up your card for any subscriptions or one-click payments, you'll need to update your card information on those websites. Otherwise, your subscriptions may be cancelled and purchases declined.
If you don't receive a new credit card by the time your expiration date comes, contact your credit card issuer using the number on the back of your credit card to find out if the card has been mailed.
Don't be surprised if you receive a call from the service provider asking you to update your card information.
Watch your mail as your expiration date approaches. Many credit card issuers automatically send a new card before your expiration date passes. The new card will have the same credit card account number, but a new expiration date and security code. When you receive the new card, you can call your credit card issuer to activate it and shred the old card. If you've set up your card for any subscriptions or one-click payments, you'll need to update your card information on those websites. Otherwise, your subscriptions may be cancelled and purchases declined.
If you don't receive a new credit card by the time your expiration date comes, contact your credit card issuer using the number on the back of your credit card to find out if the card has been mailed.