Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Treatment

    Diet Change

    • Acidic (tomatoes, citrus), greasy (pizza) and fried (french fries) foods should be avoided if you have GERD, as well as caffeinated and carbonated beverages. Small, frequent meals work better for the digestive system than three large ones a day.


    • Over-the-counter medications like antacids, histamine antagonists and omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), can treat the symptoms of GERD. There are also higher-dose PPIs available by prescription. Motility drugs are also sometimes used to help the food pass more quickly through the system.


    • Carrying even a few extra pounds can put pressure on the diaphragm, increasing the likelihood of GERD and worsening its symptoms.

    Lifestyle Changes

    • Both smoking and alcohol consumption can worsen the problems of reflux disease, and both should be avoided. Wearing looser clothing can also sometimes help.


    • When you lie down, it is easier for liquid to flow up the esophagus. It is therefore recommended that patients with GERD remain upright for at least three hours after eating and raise the head of their bed so it is above the stomach.


    • Surgery for GERD involves risk and is only performed when diet, lifestyle change and medication do not alleviate the symptoms.

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