Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Reflux Disease Diet


    • First, find out what types of food give you acid reflux. These are mainly fatty foods, greasy foods, and foods that are spicy. Fatty and greasy foods should be generally avoided by everyone, but cutting these out of your diet will specifically help to reduce your acid reflux. Some vegetables and fruits should also be cut out of your diet, especially if they give you gas. This does not mean that you should avoid all vegetables, but rather decide which particular ones give you problems.

      Alcoholic drinks are another type of beverage that should be cut out of your dietary intake. According to "Heartburn and Reflux for Dummies," alcohol makes acid reflux worse because it relaxes the muscles in your esophagus and allows more acid to enter. The type of food diet you prepare entirely depends on what type of foods give you trouble or worsen your acid reflux symptoms. Once you find out what bothers you and what you can handle, you can plan your diet accordingly.

      Changing the amount of food you eat as well as the timing of your meals can also help regulate your acid reflux. Aim to eat frequent small meals throughout the day, but avoid eating late at night. One rule of thumb is that you shouldn't eat after 6 p.m.

    Appropriate Foods

    • Fruits like fresh apples, dried apples, bananas, and apple juice are helpful in alleviating acid reflux. Consider drinking various juices instead of carbonated sodas, because sodas only worsen your reflux symptoms. Tomatoes are a fruit that should be closely monitored, as they can make reflux worse for some people.

      Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, peas, green beans, and baked potatoes are basic foods you should include in your reflux diet. If you cook any of these foods, make sure you cook them in olive or canola oil, as other fatty oils will worsen your acid reflux.

      Try to include enough meat in your diet; meats such as London broil, steak, ground beef that is extra lean, and fish with no added fats are all excellent products that can make an amazing meal and also keep your acid reflux under control.

      Dairy is one of the tougher dietary components to purchase because it is often difficult to get the right one. For acid reflux, it is healthy to purchase goat cheese, as it is low in fat, as well as soy cheese--not truly a dairy product--because it relaxes the stomach muscles.

      Watch out for grains and desserts. Eat multigrain or whole-wheat breads, and bran and oatmeal cereals. As for desserts and sweets, keep them close to fat-free. Here is a tip--red licorice and jelly beans are often good choices.

      Being careful about your daily diet will help keep you healthy overall, and help you to alleviate heartburn and reflux pain.

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