Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Playground Fundraising Ideas That Work!

We talk to people all the time who ask about getting their group motivated to have a successful fundraiser.
They alsways want to know if a kick off meeting or posters or prize packages will help them sell more.
The real answer to the question is that the most important factor in motivating your fundraiser sellers to sell more is to raise money for something they care about.
Interestingly, one of the few groups who rarely asks how to motivate their group members are those that are raising money to build a new playground.
The question that ask is 'What is the best playground fundraiser?' Now that is a bigger question.
The answer is often that it depends but there are some standard guidelines to answering it.
Because most groups that are building a playground are large and consist of young people there are some criteria that can be assumed when helping to pick the best playground fundraiser.
You can assume that high profit, great products and an easy to manage program are all keys.
Another factor that is becoming more popular is finding a fundraising program that offers educational opportunities.
There is a new movement towards earth friendly, or green fundraisers for building playgrounds.
The products are high quality and sell well.
Since they are something new, the old issue of people being burned out from buying too much of something (see wrapping paper) is rarely an issue.
Because the items are environmentally friendly, they provide a great opportunity to teach both the youngsters and your customers about easy and inexpensive ways to improve the planet.
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