- 1). Pull the hood release lever located on the driver's side of the Sunfire, under the dashboard. Move to the front of the vehicle. Lift the hood and prop it open. Loosen the bolt on the black grounding cable connecting the battery to the frame of the Pontiac. Lift the cable from the battery and set it aside. Return to the Sunfire's passenger cabin.
- 2). Open the glove compartment. Remove the two screws on the left side of the compartment's opening with the Phillips screwdriver.
- 3). Grab the trim panel surrounding the stereo and pull it from the dashboard by hand. Remove the two screws on either side of the factory stereo head unit with the screwdriver. Slide the stereo from the stereo mounting dock and disconnect the stereo wiring and antenna cable from the back of the unit.
- 4). Plug the stereo wiring connectors into the leads of the wiring harness adapter. Insert the antenna cable lead into the GM antenna adapter.
- 5). Slide the aftermarket stereo faceplate adapter into the stereo dock. Feed the stereo wiring and antenna cable through the back of the faceplate adapter as you insert it into the Sunfire's stereo dock.
- 6). Plug the wiring harness adapter lead connectors into the corresponding stereo outlets on the back of the new radio. Insert the GM antenna adapter lead into the antenna input on the back panel of the new radio.
- 7). Slide the new unit into the faceplate adapter until it locks into place within the stereo mounting dock. Place the trim panel around the new stereo and press firmly around the panel's perimeter to snap it back into place on the dashboard. Replace the two screws at the side of the glove compartment's opening and close the glove compartment's door. Move to the engine compartment.
- 8). Reattach the black grounding cable clamp to the negative battery terminal. Tighten the bolt on the cable's clamp with the wrench. Close the Sunfire's hood.