- 1). Mix 2 tbsp. of chlorine bleach with 1 quart of warm water. Pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle.
- 2). Spray the moldy area of the vinyl floor lightly with the chlorine bleach mixture. This with dampen the mold spores and stop them from becoming airborne during the cleanup process.
- 3). Don the plastic gloves. Wear clothing that you can immediately place into the wash after cleanup.
- 4). Dip a scrub brush into the bleach mixture, and scrub the mold. This may require a little elbow grease, but it is important to get as much of the mold removed as possible. Don't worry about scratching the vinyl. The bristles of a scrub brush are not hard enough to damage the vinyl flooring. If the floor had a finish on it, the mold has already destroyed it. Use a towel to do a quick cleanup of mold residue when you are finished.
- 5). Rinse the vinyl floor with warm water. If the mold is gone, then you are finished. If it is not, then repeat the process.
- 6). Mop the floor thoroughly. Place your clothing, the towel and mop head (if possible) into the clothes washer. Rinse out the scrub brush thoroughly or throw it away.