It is not a well known fact, but the food additives that are a part of many of our favorite foods are a common cause of many of our food allergies. Whether we buy pre-packaged foods from the supermarket or eat in fancy restaurants, it can be hard to escape the sheer prevalence of additives in the foods that we eat. So what are the additives that we should be concerned about?
One of the most well known additives used in foods is MSG. In addition, this is one of the few additives that many people intentionally avoid. MSG is often added to foods, especially Chinese foods, to enhance their flavor. Common symptoms experienced by those who are sensitive to MSG are palpitations of the heart, weakness, sweating, headaches, nausea, and tightening of the face.
If you have asthma, you have to be especially concerned with eating foods containing MSG. That's because people with asthma can experience difficulty in breathing after eating foods with MSG. Another health problem, even among those who are not particularly sensitive to the additive, is that it is strongly suspected to be toxic to brain cells with the effect of triggering strokes, tumors, and other illnesses.
Another group of additives that have been added to literally many hundreds of foods are Sulfites. Manufacturers and food producers find that it is a great food preservative and can preserve food long beyond its normal shelf life. Among fresh fruits, you will most commonly find it on produce such as potatoes, greens, avacados and others.
It is also becoming more common to find it being added to certain fish as well. In addition, if you go out to restaurants a lot, and you just love salad bars, you should know that sulfites are very often added to the vegetables - again to extend their shelf life. And, among those wines that list the ingredients, you will often find it listed on the wine bottle as well. In short, it is hard to avoid sulfites. Unfortunately, especially for asthmatics, sulfites have a reputation of triggering severe and sometimes life threatening reactions in them.
Some children spend a large portion of their childhoods with skin rashes, skin eruptions, hives and similar symptoms. If you have a child such as this, try the following experiment. For at least two weeks, put them on a food diet that includes zero additives in their foods. If current studies are accurate, approximately 75 percent of these kids will have a decrease in their symptoms in that period of time.
If you doubt the effect that additives can have on your body and your well being, this should dispel that belief. Every parent should, as much as possible, try to eliminate as many foods with additives from their and their children's diet.
Food producers are in love with preservatives. They help them to keep their produce and packaged food products appearing fresh and appetizing for longer and longer periods of time. At some point, however, all of us who eat these additives will have to make our own determination as to whether the benefits are worth the assault on our health.
One of the most well known additives used in foods is MSG. In addition, this is one of the few additives that many people intentionally avoid. MSG is often added to foods, especially Chinese foods, to enhance their flavor. Common symptoms experienced by those who are sensitive to MSG are palpitations of the heart, weakness, sweating, headaches, nausea, and tightening of the face.
If you have asthma, you have to be especially concerned with eating foods containing MSG. That's because people with asthma can experience difficulty in breathing after eating foods with MSG. Another health problem, even among those who are not particularly sensitive to the additive, is that it is strongly suspected to be toxic to brain cells with the effect of triggering strokes, tumors, and other illnesses.
Another group of additives that have been added to literally many hundreds of foods are Sulfites. Manufacturers and food producers find that it is a great food preservative and can preserve food long beyond its normal shelf life. Among fresh fruits, you will most commonly find it on produce such as potatoes, greens, avacados and others.
It is also becoming more common to find it being added to certain fish as well. In addition, if you go out to restaurants a lot, and you just love salad bars, you should know that sulfites are very often added to the vegetables - again to extend their shelf life. And, among those wines that list the ingredients, you will often find it listed on the wine bottle as well. In short, it is hard to avoid sulfites. Unfortunately, especially for asthmatics, sulfites have a reputation of triggering severe and sometimes life threatening reactions in them.
Some children spend a large portion of their childhoods with skin rashes, skin eruptions, hives and similar symptoms. If you have a child such as this, try the following experiment. For at least two weeks, put them on a food diet that includes zero additives in their foods. If current studies are accurate, approximately 75 percent of these kids will have a decrease in their symptoms in that period of time.
If you doubt the effect that additives can have on your body and your well being, this should dispel that belief. Every parent should, as much as possible, try to eliminate as many foods with additives from their and their children's diet.
Food producers are in love with preservatives. They help them to keep their produce and packaged food products appearing fresh and appetizing for longer and longer periods of time. At some point, however, all of us who eat these additives will have to make our own determination as to whether the benefits are worth the assault on our health.