- 1). Head out on Route 2 from Viridian City towards Pewter City. The forest between these two cities is known as the Viridian Forest. Take as many Pokéballs with you as you can -- you'll need them to capture the black Charizard, and you don't want to run out.
- 2). Search the forest for Pokemon; you'll encounter many of them in this region. The type of Pokemon you'll engage in battle is randomly generated, so finding a Charizard will usually take several attempts. Once you come across a Charizard, save your game before you engage in battle with it.
- 3). Battle the Charizard. If you hear a ringing noise when you enter the battle and see sparkles around the Charizard, you've encountered a shiny or black one. If you didn't encounter a shiny Charizard, perform a soft reset of your system by pressing A, B, Start and Select on the Game Boy at the same time.
- 4). Load up your last saved game and engage in battle with the Pokemon again. Continue performing soft resets and re-loads of the saved game until you encounter a shiny Charizard. Then, capture the creature with your Pokéballs.