So you've been bitten by the bug. After looking around the internet and seeing all those other folks realizing their dreams and starting a home based business you have decided it,'s now your turn. Not a bad idea. But what can you sell? What product can you possible sell that will not cost you a fortune? Is it available at a very low cost so you can make a good markup when you sell it? Remember the secret is "Buy Low, Sell High".
If you buy a bunch of these things can you store them at home? Will they spoil if you keep them too long? Is there a national and international demand for this product? Yes there is. People all over the world want these things. You have probably bought a couple of them in the last month. Yep that's right. You need to be buying and selling little rectangular things.
Don't believe me. Well just look around you? No don't get up. I mean stay right where you are and reach in any direction and chances are there are at least one or more little rectangular things just sitting there like forgotten friends.Does not matter if you are in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, front room, den, basement or garage. Maybe even in your car.
You are going to find little rectangular things. Go ahead pick one up. Do you remember how much you paid for that thing. It was not cheap. Guess what? In many cases that little rectangular thing can be resold. Sometimes for a few dollars. Other times it is now worth much more than you paid for it.
Start by selling the little rectangular things you have in your home. Then if you like this business and you will when you realize how much money you can make with almost no investment, you can go buy more for pennies. You won't need a website. You won't have to advertise. Many online stores will want these things so badly they will not charge you to list them. You will only be charged a small fee when your little rectangular things sell. Could this be the perfect business? Could anyone from a teenager to a grandmother do this? You bet.
Light weight. Easily packed for shipment. The post office gives you a price break when you ship these little rectangular things. Seems like everyone is in love with these things. Why not take advantage of this desire that folks have to get their hands on these little rectangular things and get your business started today.
When you list them on the internet you should probably not call them little rectangular things. You would do better if you used the formal name. Yes. Call them books. You remember books? Well now that you know how well they sell why not investigate all that the internet offers the home based book seller and get your little rectangular thing business started today.
If you buy a bunch of these things can you store them at home? Will they spoil if you keep them too long? Is there a national and international demand for this product? Yes there is. People all over the world want these things. You have probably bought a couple of them in the last month. Yep that's right. You need to be buying and selling little rectangular things.
Don't believe me. Well just look around you? No don't get up. I mean stay right where you are and reach in any direction and chances are there are at least one or more little rectangular things just sitting there like forgotten friends.Does not matter if you are in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, front room, den, basement or garage. Maybe even in your car.
You are going to find little rectangular things. Go ahead pick one up. Do you remember how much you paid for that thing. It was not cheap. Guess what? In many cases that little rectangular thing can be resold. Sometimes for a few dollars. Other times it is now worth much more than you paid for it.
Start by selling the little rectangular things you have in your home. Then if you like this business and you will when you realize how much money you can make with almost no investment, you can go buy more for pennies. You won't need a website. You won't have to advertise. Many online stores will want these things so badly they will not charge you to list them. You will only be charged a small fee when your little rectangular things sell. Could this be the perfect business? Could anyone from a teenager to a grandmother do this? You bet.
Light weight. Easily packed for shipment. The post office gives you a price break when you ship these little rectangular things. Seems like everyone is in love with these things. Why not take advantage of this desire that folks have to get their hands on these little rectangular things and get your business started today.
When you list them on the internet you should probably not call them little rectangular things. You would do better if you used the formal name. Yes. Call them books. You remember books? Well now that you know how well they sell why not investigate all that the internet offers the home based book seller and get your little rectangular thing business started today.