My latest book "How to Earn Money in Retirement" (How To Books ISBN 1845281128) has just been published and hits the bookstores in early May 2006.
As I was writing the mss about nine months ago it occurred to me that there might be another book lurking right there in the text.
Accordingly I took notes; mentally deleting a chapter here and adding a few more there, expanding on a topic, sketching out another, and so on.
As a result of this dual tasking I started writing a new book immediately after finishing the project in hand and decided to submit a proposal sooner rather than later.
Next up I received an email from one Nick Hutchins, the freelance reader reviewing the text for "How to Earn Money in Retirement".
Nick's message simply read, 'Do you realize you have another book here?' To which I equally succinctly responded, 'Yes, I know, and I've just submitted a proposal'.
Now it just so happened that Nick had a meeting scheduled with the publishing house a few days hence at which he raised the subject of two books in one.
In the mail today I received a contract for the second book, "How to Grow Your Small Business Rapidly Online" with a publication date of April 2007.
The point to this dissertation is: always be on lookout for additional niche markets for the book you are currently writing and milk your idea for all it's worth.
The first book is aimed at active retirees and the second at go-ahead small business owners in all categories.
I might dig deeper to ascertain whether other niche opportunities lie dormant in the original text.
The majority of niche non-fiction topics are capable of this sort of clinical analysis and it is worth pursuing because if you get a proposal accepted for one specific niche, you will more often than not get another proposal similarly accepted if your subject matter is in similar vein.
As I was writing the mss about nine months ago it occurred to me that there might be another book lurking right there in the text.
Accordingly I took notes; mentally deleting a chapter here and adding a few more there, expanding on a topic, sketching out another, and so on.
As a result of this dual tasking I started writing a new book immediately after finishing the project in hand and decided to submit a proposal sooner rather than later.
Next up I received an email from one Nick Hutchins, the freelance reader reviewing the text for "How to Earn Money in Retirement".
Nick's message simply read, 'Do you realize you have another book here?' To which I equally succinctly responded, 'Yes, I know, and I've just submitted a proposal'.
Now it just so happened that Nick had a meeting scheduled with the publishing house a few days hence at which he raised the subject of two books in one.
In the mail today I received a contract for the second book, "How to Grow Your Small Business Rapidly Online" with a publication date of April 2007.
The point to this dissertation is: always be on lookout for additional niche markets for the book you are currently writing and milk your idea for all it's worth.
The first book is aimed at active retirees and the second at go-ahead small business owners in all categories.
I might dig deeper to ascertain whether other niche opportunities lie dormant in the original text.
The majority of niche non-fiction topics are capable of this sort of clinical analysis and it is worth pursuing because if you get a proposal accepted for one specific niche, you will more often than not get another proposal similarly accepted if your subject matter is in similar vein.