Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Sinus Infection Remedies That Work

Sinus infections are among the most uncomfortable types of illness one can experience. The nasal passages and cavities become inflamed and fill with thick mucus at the same time. This leads to pressure and pain that is often serious enough to affect one's ability to carry out normal daily functions. This is why so many people are looking for sinus infection remedies that really work.

These infections can have a number of different causes. Most seem to be caused by viruses, meaning that antibiotics will be useless. However, it is always a good idea to see a physician when sinusitis is suspected on the chance that it does have a bacterial cause that will respond to antibiotics. If they are prescribed, remember to take all of them.

Other methods of treating such infections focus mainly on relief of the symptoms until the infection has run its course and the body fights it off. There are several different options available, both in the form of over the counter solutions and home remedies. It is usually best to try the simplest ideas first before resorting to medication.

The best expedient is to increase one's liquid intake. Water and juice are best because they help hydrate the entire body. Caffeinated drinks can act as a diuretic and dehydrate one, making the problem worse. Water will thin mucus so that it can drain from the sinuses more easily and relieve pressure.

Steam has also been shown to help thin mucus. In addition, the temperature will help to reduce inflammation. These two effects working at the same time can make a huge difference in how one feels.

Many people use saline nasal sprays to get water directly into the affected areas and thin mucus. This is recommended over the use of OTC nasal decongestant sprays because those can be highly addictive. The relief one achieves is so profound and so immediate that using it becomes habit.

If one feels the need to use medications for relief of symptoms, OTC decongestant tablets can be effective. These work mainly by thinning mucus, though some also have some anti-inflammatory effects. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can also help. The latter is specifically an anti-inflammatory.

Finding sinus infection remedies that work can seem an insurmountable task to the person suffering one of these infections. However, symptoms can often be relieved using common household items such as drinking more water and taking a hot shower. Several sinus infection remedies are also available that will help relieve symptoms while the body fights the infection. I have found that has a lot of great products to deal with sinus infections
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