If you like to go hiking in the great outdoors then you already know how much it is and the great source of exercise it offers.
Do you also know that not taking necessary precautions could also lead to unwanted circumstances that could have been avoided with some proper planning.
Here are some tips that I am offering up for your next hiking trip.
Follow these before you get going and you will be ahead of the safety curve.
Dress Appropriately Are you hiking in warm weather or cold? Is the temperature different where you are going then where you live? You should dress appropriately for where you will be going for that hike, not as to where you live.
You should also pack some extra clothing in case it is colder than you thought.
Rainwear Don't forget t pack appropriate rain gear.
Nothing ruins a good hike like getting soaked in the rain.
You can fold away in your backpack a poncho or rain suit.
Just make sure you have it packed.
Rain can strike at any moment and when it does it doesn't care if you have the right gear or not.
Socks According L.
Bean, a popular outfitter for hiking gear, they say many hikers wear two pairs of socks for maximum comfort and blister protection.
Speaking from experience when you get a blister on your foot, it completely ruins your entire hiking trip.
Taking this recommendation can ensure that unwanted blisters do not pop up when least expected.
Packing the Bag If you are going on a hiking trip that will last a couple of days make sure you pack your bag with everything you need.
Don't forget your sleeping bag, a tent and/or tarp, food that can be carried with you and is lightweight such as dehydrated fruits, nuts etc.
If you do bring food that you need to cook, make sure you don't forget the supplies necessary to actually cook it like matches, a lighter, a small sterno stove, things like that.
Safety Last but not least, but last for a reason, make sure you are packed appropriately for safety.
Make sure you pack a first aid kit and make sure the first aid kit is fully packed with all the essentials, band-aids, bandages, rubbing alcohol, medication for cuts, scrapes and bug bites.
If you purchase a first aid kit from a hiking store chances are it has most of this in their, but you should double check to make sure.
Accidents can happen anywhere on the trail and if you have a well packed first aid kit, you will be ready.
Follow these tips above so that your next hiking trip can be a successful one.
Do you also know that not taking necessary precautions could also lead to unwanted circumstances that could have been avoided with some proper planning.
Here are some tips that I am offering up for your next hiking trip.
Follow these before you get going and you will be ahead of the safety curve.
Dress Appropriately Are you hiking in warm weather or cold? Is the temperature different where you are going then where you live? You should dress appropriately for where you will be going for that hike, not as to where you live.
You should also pack some extra clothing in case it is colder than you thought.
Rainwear Don't forget t pack appropriate rain gear.
Nothing ruins a good hike like getting soaked in the rain.
You can fold away in your backpack a poncho or rain suit.
Just make sure you have it packed.
Rain can strike at any moment and when it does it doesn't care if you have the right gear or not.
Socks According L.
Bean, a popular outfitter for hiking gear, they say many hikers wear two pairs of socks for maximum comfort and blister protection.
Speaking from experience when you get a blister on your foot, it completely ruins your entire hiking trip.
Taking this recommendation can ensure that unwanted blisters do not pop up when least expected.
Packing the Bag If you are going on a hiking trip that will last a couple of days make sure you pack your bag with everything you need.
Don't forget your sleeping bag, a tent and/or tarp, food that can be carried with you and is lightweight such as dehydrated fruits, nuts etc.
If you do bring food that you need to cook, make sure you don't forget the supplies necessary to actually cook it like matches, a lighter, a small sterno stove, things like that.
Safety Last but not least, but last for a reason, make sure you are packed appropriately for safety.
Make sure you pack a first aid kit and make sure the first aid kit is fully packed with all the essentials, band-aids, bandages, rubbing alcohol, medication for cuts, scrapes and bug bites.
If you purchase a first aid kit from a hiking store chances are it has most of this in their, but you should double check to make sure.
Accidents can happen anywhere on the trail and if you have a well packed first aid kit, you will be ready.
Follow these tips above so that your next hiking trip can be a successful one.