Parents often make the mistake of assuming their baby instinctively develops normally.
And in many cases normal development happens automatically, but unfortunately this is not always the case.
One of the biggest problems is that parents "assume" development is always normal.
And all they must do is love and cherish their baby during these first years.
But hardly ever do parents appreciate just how much they can help their child during these first formative years.
Many do everything they think and believe is in their child's best interest.
But they may be overlooking a few important things...
simply because they are totally unaware of their importance.
What does this mean? International research has shown that unnecessarily many children underperform at school.
And the important part is...
most of the learning problems originate from a lack in development experiences during the child's formative years.
Parents must realize that their child can only perform best if *all* learning experiences were given during the first few formative years.
For example, many school children have trouble reading.
They find it difficult to recognize the shapes of different letters and words.
These children find it difficult to organize and process the information their eyes see.
One way of helping them is by teaching them to do different things with their hands while their eyes watch and learn what their hands are doing.
Stated differently...
they're learning things they should have learned as babies, but never did.
In this case, how to correctly use the information their eyes see.
Parents may therefore be overlooking the importance of ensuring their baby learns the right things at the right time.
What is the easiest way parents can ensure their child develops best? Here's a two-step process in a nutshell: Step one, identify the next development experience your baby needs right now.
Children most often have learning and development problems simply because parents don't "know" that the simple, easy-to-do things are really important for complete development.
And since they don't know, their baby is never encouraged to master it.
Step two, make sure your baby gets this learning experience without delay.
Development experiences are most useful when they happen at the right time.
Children benefit most when they learn specific skills at certain ages.
There's little point in trying to teach your child to, say, learn colors if she doesn't already have all other qualifying basic skills.
Or to teach her to handle a pencil while she cannot crawl properly.
And it is not in your baby's best interest to learn to walk if s/he has not properly mastered crawling and sitting.
Knowing which experiences your baby must master, AND making sure it happens at the right time are the 2 most important things any caring parent can do for their baby right now.
This two-step works.
The next time you wonder about what's best for your baby, remember: next experience-master it, next experience-master it, next experience-master it.
It's the easiest way to ensure your baby develops into a well-performing, fully adapted child.
And in many cases normal development happens automatically, but unfortunately this is not always the case.
One of the biggest problems is that parents "assume" development is always normal.
And all they must do is love and cherish their baby during these first years.
But hardly ever do parents appreciate just how much they can help their child during these first formative years.
Many do everything they think and believe is in their child's best interest.
But they may be overlooking a few important things...
simply because they are totally unaware of their importance.
What does this mean? International research has shown that unnecessarily many children underperform at school.
And the important part is...
most of the learning problems originate from a lack in development experiences during the child's formative years.
Parents must realize that their child can only perform best if *all* learning experiences were given during the first few formative years.
For example, many school children have trouble reading.
They find it difficult to recognize the shapes of different letters and words.
These children find it difficult to organize and process the information their eyes see.
One way of helping them is by teaching them to do different things with their hands while their eyes watch and learn what their hands are doing.
Stated differently...
they're learning things they should have learned as babies, but never did.
In this case, how to correctly use the information their eyes see.
Parents may therefore be overlooking the importance of ensuring their baby learns the right things at the right time.
What is the easiest way parents can ensure their child develops best? Here's a two-step process in a nutshell: Step one, identify the next development experience your baby needs right now.
Children most often have learning and development problems simply because parents don't "know" that the simple, easy-to-do things are really important for complete development.
And since they don't know, their baby is never encouraged to master it.
Step two, make sure your baby gets this learning experience without delay.
Development experiences are most useful when they happen at the right time.
Children benefit most when they learn specific skills at certain ages.
There's little point in trying to teach your child to, say, learn colors if she doesn't already have all other qualifying basic skills.
Or to teach her to handle a pencil while she cannot crawl properly.
And it is not in your baby's best interest to learn to walk if s/he has not properly mastered crawling and sitting.
Knowing which experiences your baby must master, AND making sure it happens at the right time are the 2 most important things any caring parent can do for their baby right now.
This two-step works.
The next time you wonder about what's best for your baby, remember: next experience-master it, next experience-master it, next experience-master it.
It's the easiest way to ensure your baby develops into a well-performing, fully adapted child.