Health & Medical Anti Aging

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement - Is it Better Than Synthetic Replacement?

We live in an age where people can live longer, healthier lives than ever before thanks to continuous advances in the medical world.
Although these medical advances have done wonders for countless numbers of people, there is debate over which treatments are best and if some are really as safe as some claim them to be.
While you may also be worried after hearing others talk about these issues, really the best thing that you can do is visit with your doctor when you have health concerns and research all of the options available to decide which would be the best for you to pursue.
There are many debates about which medical treatments out there are the best for people to use and this also extends to bio-identical hormone replacement.
There are people that feel that this option is truly the best and safest method available while others are strong advocates for the synthetic types of replacement.
So, what the difference and why do people feel so strongly about both? Usually these strong feelings can come from people that have used and had success with either method and want others to have the same great results as they have had.
Other times these strong feelings come from people that have had negative results with one type or the other and do not want people to go through what they have gone through.
No matter which side of the debate you are listening to, the best thing that you can usually do is visit with your doctor about bio-identical hormone replacement to determine the risks and benefits and if it would be a good option for you to move forward with.
Your doctor will likely give you an information packet on the treatment and will discuss all of the normal risks that are associated.
Many people feel that bio-identical hormone replacement is better than the synthetic replacement because it more closely resembles your natural hormones while the synthetic types do not.
There is some credibility behind this because normally the closer something is to your natural genetic make-up, the easier it will be for your body to accept it and allow it to remain.
There are many things to think about with this issue and it is usually a good idea to research both sides before making a decision just so that you can be sure you know all that there is to know before moving forward.
The more knowledge that you have on a subject, the better off you will be in making the decision that is best for you and your body.
To get this information, the best resource would probably be your doctor.
They are credible medical professionals that have had experience with these types of treatments so will have useful information to provide you.
You can also ask your doctor all of the questions that have been building up as you have been listening to this debate.
While there is much to think about, the most important thing is your health and making sure that it is always at its best.
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