Are you tired of spending all of your vacation time visiting family? Are you tired of sitting on a couch and watching television with your parents because doing something else during your vacation time would make you feel guilty? It's hard to shake off those feelings of guilt. All the same, don't you sometimes want to take a vacation you can have fun on? Why not have an adventure the next time you get some vacation days? Heck you could probably fit in a weekend adventure trek and still have time to sit on your parents' couch and look through old photo albums. Check out these adventure travels vacations!
If you get joy from the outdoors and like to use your survival skills for living off the land, why not go on an Australian Walkabout? These have become trendy especially after one of the main actors on the TV show Lost made an attempt to go on one. The original concept of an Australian Walkabout is for you and your co-adventurers to get out into the Australian Outback, while being guided. You solely live off the land, when participating in a walkabout. You search for your own food, construct your own shelf from the items you can find outside and take on any "elements" that could come your way (weather, animals, etc). It is like extreme camping and can make you feel really good.
Do you get a thrill from sightseeing? Do you get a thrill from exploring sites you have only read about in books? Why not join a sightseeing adventure travels tour of a location you have always want to visit? Attractive tourist destinations include Greece, Rome, Ireland and Scotland, Africa, China and Tibet. Seemingly there is a sightseeing tour to be had in just about every country in the world, so just pick a location and sign up for a touring trip! Find a guide to teach you about the chosen country's culture and history.
Do you yearn to be on a motorcycle tour for a few weeks? Sure you could get a membership with a local motorcycle club, but where's the joy in that? For real adventure travel enthusiasts, the fun lies in taking a motorcycle tour of somewhere far away. Could there be a better alternative than going on a motorcycle excursion in New Zealand and Australia? Harley Davidson has motorcycle tours available in Australia. New Zealand has many companies that have tours and guided motorcycle trips available. The hardest thing to do is figure out how to get there. But once you're there, you will never want to leave!
There are tons of different ways "adventure travels" can be defined. For some people it includes crazy adventures, like hiking the highest mountains in the world or experiencing extreme climate conditions. For other it includes a challenging task they do not have in their daily life, such as driving cattle or hiking different terrain, etc. Still for other people, adventure travels include learning new stuff, while still having a peaceful journey. The short story is: no matter what you are into, you can find an adventure vacation to fit your taste!
If you get joy from the outdoors and like to use your survival skills for living off the land, why not go on an Australian Walkabout? These have become trendy especially after one of the main actors on the TV show Lost made an attempt to go on one. The original concept of an Australian Walkabout is for you and your co-adventurers to get out into the Australian Outback, while being guided. You solely live off the land, when participating in a walkabout. You search for your own food, construct your own shelf from the items you can find outside and take on any "elements" that could come your way (weather, animals, etc). It is like extreme camping and can make you feel really good.
Do you get a thrill from sightseeing? Do you get a thrill from exploring sites you have only read about in books? Why not join a sightseeing adventure travels tour of a location you have always want to visit? Attractive tourist destinations include Greece, Rome, Ireland and Scotland, Africa, China and Tibet. Seemingly there is a sightseeing tour to be had in just about every country in the world, so just pick a location and sign up for a touring trip! Find a guide to teach you about the chosen country's culture and history.
Do you yearn to be on a motorcycle tour for a few weeks? Sure you could get a membership with a local motorcycle club, but where's the joy in that? For real adventure travel enthusiasts, the fun lies in taking a motorcycle tour of somewhere far away. Could there be a better alternative than going on a motorcycle excursion in New Zealand and Australia? Harley Davidson has motorcycle tours available in Australia. New Zealand has many companies that have tours and guided motorcycle trips available. The hardest thing to do is figure out how to get there. But once you're there, you will never want to leave!
There are tons of different ways "adventure travels" can be defined. For some people it includes crazy adventures, like hiking the highest mountains in the world or experiencing extreme climate conditions. For other it includes a challenging task they do not have in their daily life, such as driving cattle or hiking different terrain, etc. Still for other people, adventure travels include learning new stuff, while still having a peaceful journey. The short story is: no matter what you are into, you can find an adventure vacation to fit your taste!