Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Use Home Wind Turbines As A Viable Energy Alternative

The wind blowing is a constant effect all throughout this world and it really does hold the key to changing our dependence on fossil fuels. As we see oil and gas prices rise and the people begin to become more concerned about why their effect is on the environment home wind power is beginning to be a visible alternative to producing their energy needs. Powering your home with home-made wind turbines can be done even if you're living in an area that has an average of seven mile-per-hour sustained winds. You could also also combine home wind power with, solar panels, and homemade magnetic motor generators. Even buying a manufactured home wind turbine would pay for itself within a 20 year period. I however prefer to build my own wind turbines because it saves me thousands and honestly I enjoy the experience. The homemade systems are just as good in quality and they pay for themselves very quick. I built my first home wind turbine for under $100 bucks. I used some second hand parts, and wood but it worked and helped me cut down on my electric bill, and quickly paid for itself.

It's also good to note that a lot of states are now offering renewable energy rebates and credit programs for homeowners that decide to start using renewable energies such as home wind power, solar power etc. This is including a ''buyback'' meter they install on your home that rolls backwards allowing you to sell the excess energy you're not using back into the power grid. Imagine getting a check from the power company each month instead of sending them one.

With all of this information now it's obvious to see that homeowners taking advantage of home wind turbines and other renewable energies know that it makes perfect sense and it's a good way to be secure in knowing that you're not hurting the environment. It is vital to learn how to effectively harness the wind of the earth. The best way we know of is of coarse with the wind generators, and more specifically for individuals home wind turbines. The design has been around for hundreds of years and started out with the original windmills. Windmills were originally meant to pump water, or grind grains like wheat and corn. People wanted to find more effective methods of running their mills which lead to the earliest versions of it with blades to catch the wind.

Your average home wind turbine replaces the mill with a simple permanent magnet generator. My first wind turbine's generator was nothing more than a simple D/C electric motor that came out of an old treadmill. Yes those can be used, but it's more economical and performs better when you use a good quality permanent magnet generator. You can make your own permanent magnet generator out of most old GM (General Motors) alternators. This is of coarse the cheapest method compared to just buying a permanent magnet generator.

I live in a real windy part of the country (Texas Panhandle). For those you that don't know the sun shines a lot, and the wind blows almost everyday in the Texas Panhandle. I was able to power my small home completely with just a few home-made wind turbines and a small battery bank. However I have found that the solution for most peoples needs is to combine home wind power with solar power, and home-made magnetic motors. You want to consider where you live in the world and design your system according to your location and power needs. That's why I like doing it myself because I can configure and design my home ''power plant'' to my needs and wants piece by piece. Remember that all these solutions don't put off any pollution and you won't have to worry about power outages again, just your neighbors wanting to come over and watch the game when the power goes out!

If you're interested in learning how to utilize home wind power, as well as solar power and other methods then click over to blog and check it out.
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